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Welcome to

The Living Word Assembly

Welcome to the Living Word Assembly Church, a vibrant Christ-headed Home Fellowship based Church with a focus on the Great Commission. At the Living Word Assembly, you will be helped to understand that the Word of God is alive and active. Through the teachings here, you will find a place where you can be inspired, encouraged, and equipped with practical bible truths about life’s challenges; a place where you will learn how to prayerfully deal with those issues based on the Word of God; a place where you... Read more

Our vision is to build a Vibrant Christ Headed Home Fellowship based Church with a focus on the Great Commission

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;” Isaiah 61:1

Our Weekly

Church Services

Sunday Services

8:00am – 10:00am (1st Service)
10:30am – 12:30pm (2nd Service)

Jericho Must Fall (Holy Communion Service)

Every Wednesday: 5:30pm

Worship and Prayer Hour

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 12:45pm – 1:45pm

Home Fellowship

Every Saturday: 5:00pm

Morning Dominion Hour (MDH)

Every Monday to Friday: 5:00am (Online Only)

Marriage Revival Program (MRP)

Every Thursday: 7:00am (Online Only)

General Overnight

Every last Friday of the month: 10:00pm


Programmes & Events

Oct 23
5:00am Details
Oct 23
Jericho Must Fall
5:30pm Details
Oct 24
7:00am Details
Oct 25
5:00am Details
Oct 25
Night of Wonders
10:00pm Details
Oct 26
Home Fellowship
5:00pm Details
Oct 28
5:00am Details
Oct 31
5:00am Details

Praise God Church, I really thank God for adding me another year today, I Glorify His Name. God Bless you.

Daisy Church Member
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From our blog

Small Group Leader Training
Anointed for Visibility with Pastor Benjamin Nebechukwu

Reading:       2 Kings 9: 1 – 6 KJV Visibility is what makes a difference between achievers and no achievers. Visibility is what makes a difference between... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
And the Lord settled me and I was established

Settlement means to be compensated for what you are due for. All the rights and privileges are to be paid. Psalms 89:21 As a nation and... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Impartation for Manifestation

History is lined up with very many people whose correct identities are yet to manifest. History is full of people who came to the world but... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Rising from obscurity to visibility

In Exodus 2: 2 ~ When Moses was born, the mother saw that Moses was a special child (favoured, extraordinary, the deliverer of nations, the... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Thanksgiving for generating open doors

Thanksgiving is the shortest form and powerful prayer that can be made any time.  Thanksgiving is the expression of your gratitude to someone who has... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Deliverance from personal and family curses

What were Abraham’s blessings? From the scriptures, we learn that God made a covenant with Abraham. This covenant promised a blessing that not only included descendants... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Night Prayer: Deliverance from family strongman

Knowledge gives us light. There are sometimes when we struggle over many things as believers are because we lack light. When there is light, you... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
The God of limitless divine supplies

The God of limitless divine supplies We serve a God of supernatural supplies; He is All sufficient – Jehovah El-Shaddai; Great Provider - Jehovah Jireh and... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Winning the battles of life

Life is a battle field and not a playground. It’s only a fool can say they do not have an enemy ~ Psalm 68: 1... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
5 dimensions of the anointing that flourish life and destiny

Anointing is repeated because anointing can be stale and can expire. Fresh represents new impact ~ Hosea 14: 5 NLT When the dew comes upon a person... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Waging war against the forces of limitation

Waging war against the forces of limitation Some people are born to be flying eagles but were converted into chicken in destiny. There are some people whose... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Impartation to flourish and thrive

Impartation is to place something upon somebody. It is to transit or to bestow. There are things that you labour for but somethings heaven will... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Moving the Mountains of LIFE with Ps Benjamin Nebechukwu

Problems are not strangers in this world – The bible is clear that man co-exists with problems. Rev 12:12. The world is synonymous with problems,.... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
7 principles for flourishing and thriving in Christ

To thrive and flourish, you have to be in the right environment. Paul had an encounter of the God-kind which changed his life... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
The secret of multiplication in Christ with Apostle John Enelamah

To understand multiplication, you must understand fruitfulness in Gen 1:11. Fruitfulness means to produce after your kind. The law of reproduction implies that God created... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Night of Prayer: Killing the glory killers of your father’s house

What does glory mean? "Kabod" - the star of your destiny; your shining, the totality of your uniqueness. Favor magnet, what makes you acceptable and likeable among... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
The Five S's of the swift spot with Pastor Olumide Olugbenle

All truth are parallel, there is a way to arrive to truth. This is through research – if you’re diligent and objective enough you can... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Christians must be married to Christ for multiplication

Why did God create the earth? The earth is the only habitable planet. God created the earth as an extension of His Kingdom.  Heaven is the... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Defying odds – moving forward by fire

The Israelites find themselves in a situation with no decision and God told them to move forward in Exodus 14:15. This means that: They are not... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Let my People Go, says the LORD

 We serve a God who is absolutely interested in the wholeness and wellness of His people ~ Psalm 35: 27 KJV; 3 John 1: 2... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Wake up your Faith

From the Luke 8:4--56, Jarius was the ruler of the synagogues, well placed in the society at the time, but he was troubled - he... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Anything given to God multiplies in return

Our God is a God of all round multiplication. He mandated Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply according to Genesis 1: 22 and... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Follow the principles of God and experience multiplication

God’s desire is for mankind is to be fruitful and multiply. When God created man, He created him with a 5- fold mandate ~ Genesis... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
You shall see them no more

Key notes about the life and confrontations The things of the spirit are caught and not taught ~ John 6: 63.   Many Christians are in church but... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
The wonders of Thanksgiving and Praise

Praise and thanksgiving ought to be a lifestyle among many Christians as commanded in Acts 2: 27, Psalms 114: 1 and Psalm 34: 1 KJV. ... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Cleansing your Family Negative Strongman

Family is the bedrock of our lives. Many people's families are struggling in life seeking for solutions in vain because they have failed to trace... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Dealing with negative family patterns

The devil uses different avenues to perpetuate family bondages; it is called negative patterns. Negative patterns affect lives and destinies. Negative patterns are peculiar to... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Triumphing over Family Battles and Curses (Part 1)

What do family battles imply? They imply: There are limiting and disempowering forces of generations Negative bloodline transfers possibly from parental transactions with the devil Families constitute trees... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Why you need the glory of God by Pastor Ben

Glory encompasses many things. Glory is rooted in Hebrew word ‘Kabod’ which means; magnificent, splendor, power, shining, and power. Therefore, Glory is a heavenly disposition.  Scriptures... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
The restoration and recovery of destiny

Man was created to have dominion - to command to be obeyed according to Job 22:28. We were created to disciple, discipline and colonize. Man... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
What’s God up to on a Culture Sunday Day?

We ended the first half of 2024 in a style. In Psalm 133:1 the Bible accounts that "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
From Obstacles to Miracles with Pastor Benjamin

Life is filled of obstacles, confrontations and battles. It is equally true that also believers are confronted, therefore, you do not need to be a... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Closed doors do not answer to gentility

The power that opens the doors Open doors are new levels or next level and new levels attract opposition, enmity and adversity and come with no... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
The God of open door and open gates

In scriptures, doors and gates signify opportunities that can cause some one to progress in affairs of life such as marital, careers finances. 1 Cor 16:9,... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Sacrificial giving as a gateway to power, dominion and rule

Understanding dominion This world is run by spiritual powers. The power to run the affairs of this world to the people who don't believe in... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
The Wonders of Grace and Mercy of God

In the heart of Christianity lie two foundational pillars: The GRACE of God and the MERCY of God. These divine attributes are not only the... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
The release of the blessings and the reversal of curses

In Numbers 6: 22 – 27 KJV, it is the mandate of God to bless people and God uses different channels to bless people. Sometimes,... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
The Power of Praying at Night

The Power of Praying at Night’ is deeply rooted in scriptural teachings, focused on the significance of night prayers and their unparalleled impact on the... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Rtd Archbishop Orombi applauses Pastors Ben & Charity for obeying the voice of God

In this message delivered by Rtd Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi on Sunday 12 May 2024, on ‘’Celebrating leadership and supporting their mission’ he celebrated the... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
New Pastors' Dedication at the LWA Church, Kampala

Just as the priests were consecrated in the Bible times, on Sunday, we gathered to witness the dedication and consecration of the new pastors to... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
The festival of freedom from the anointing

April is a Passover season in Jewish culture – it is a special month called Nissa in the Jewish Calendar. The Passover was celebrated by... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Binding and unseating the strongman in your life

Key points to note about the strongman There is a personality in the realm of the spirit known as the strongman. If not so Jesus would... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Breaking the backbone of delay

Reading on breaking the backbone of delay: Daniel 10:7 - 13 and Deuteronomy 2:1 - 3 NLT Points to ponder For celebration to happen, the drag must... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
The place of prayer in the ministry

No man lacks what he gives, he only lacks what he keeps  - in this context, if you pray sparingly, you reap sparingly. Only a... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Live for God and God will break protocols for you

Protocol is an official procedure or rules governing rules organisations or people. They can be defined as  acceptable codes of conduct. It the normal way... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
He's NO MORE there – He is RISEN!

Dominion is restored by the resurrection. Christians have so much from Dominion Mandate - in Genesis chapter one, man was confirmed with dominion mandate through... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Bless me with the benefits of a Good Friday

Our monthly night of prayer fell on a special Friday this time - it was Good Friday, not just any ordinary Friday. We began with praise... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Dominion is for influence - Dr Steve Ogan

Dr. Steve Ogan stood before a congregation at Living Word Assembly, his voice echoing with conviction as he delved into the depths of a timeless... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Making the Best of 2024: A Guide to navigate 2024 with wisdom and purpose

As we embark on the journey of another year, let us seize the essence of time, understanding its relentless nature and the precious opportunities it... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
The God of Wrath and Grace - The God That Kills and Makes Life

In the realm of divinity, there exists a God of dual nature – one who brings life and one who can bring death. While many... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Dominion by the Anointing: Keys to ruling and reigning in Christ

God has sovereign power over His creation and has delegated the authority to mankind to have dominion over the animals in Genesis 1:26. David reinforces this... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Dominion is a Spiritual Inheritance

At the Living Word Assembly Church, every second Sunday of the month is our Impartation Sunday. Reading from Mark 4: 35 – 41 and Revelation 5:... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
The seed of the blessing will always generate a bumper harvest of dominion

Many people most often mistake the blessing of God to be material wealth, whereas it is part of them, the blessing of God is much... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Not all deliverance requires fire, some require wisdom!

The revelation for deliverance lies in the truth is that ‘not all deliverance requires FIRE. Some deliverance requires wisdom,’ Pastor Benjamin echoed. This was during... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
But what exactly do we benefit in all- seven hour-night prayers?

Many of us have experienced the power of all-night prayers – it is an act of dedicating an entire night to praying and communing with... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Behind every verse in scripture, there is a voice of God ~ Pastor Benjamin Nebechukwu

The last Sunday of the month is usually the 'Thanksgiving Sunday' at the Living Word Assembly (LWA) Church. On Sunday, February 25, 2024, Pastor Benjamin... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Are You Ready To Be Anointed For Domination? (Sunday Service - 18/02/2024)

Anointing with oil symbolizes consecration to God as it does in (Numbers 3:3, Psalm 89:20, Psalm 23, and 1 Samuel 10:1) The anointing as symbolized by... Read more

Small Group Leader Training
Destroying the Works of Darkness (JMF - 14/02/2024)

Author: Pastor Benjamin Nebechukwu In the spiritual realm, darkness isn't merely the absence of light; it's a tangible force representing demonic activities, depression, fear, stagnation, and... Read more