The God of limitless divine supplies

  • We serve a God of supernatural supplies; He is All sufficient – Jehovah El-Shaddai; Great Provider - Jehovah Jireh and many others. God supplies supernaturally and un-naturally. He supplies beyond normal.


  • Exodus 17: 3 – 7 KJV
  • Psalm 23: 1 – 6 NKJV

What are divine supplies?

  • Divine supply or provision is supply whose origin is beyond human or earthly sources. Where men expected nothing to come from .
  • Divine supply is a supply that is in-exhaustible, un-finishable and cannot run out.
  • Divine supply represents supply beyond the scope of human labour, human wisdom, human expertise and knowledge ~ Deuteronomy 8: 6 – 11 NKJV.

Scriptural examples of limitless provision and supplies of God

  •  Abraham's sacrifice ~ Genesis 22: 11 - 14 KJV. If we are able to trust God to the limits God cannot fail us.  Nobody can take what is yours.  Whatever God is releasing for you will never be diverted.  Supply from God is a reality and God is able to do more than we want.
  • Moses and the Children of Israel ~ Exodus 17: 3 - 7 KJV.  God can still bring supplies from incredible sources and impossible places.
  • Elijah and the ravens ~ 1 Kings 17: 1 5 NKJV. 

Lessons in the Scripture:

  1. God can use people looking for what you are looking for to deliver what you need.
  2. God can put unwilling individuals and systems under pressure to deliver your treasure.
  • Peter and His Master pay their taxes ~ Matthew 17: 24 - 27; Job 20: 15 NKJV.
  • Hagar and Ishmael ~ Genesis 21.  Hagar was shown a well of water that quenched their thirst ~ Genesis 21 : 15 - 19 NKJV

Most times the solution you are looking for is close to the problem itself. The answer to the questions troubling your life is not far from questions ~ 2 Kings 4: 1; 1 Kings 17: 45 - 50; Isaiah 45: 3 NKJV.

  • Bread from Heaven ~ Exodus 16:11-15 NKJV. Manna was provided in the wilderness for the children of Israel ~ Psalm  23: 5 KJV.

What are the keys to limitless divine supplies?

  • Follow His instructions guidance and directions ~ Isaiah 48: 17 -19, 21 NKJV. If God is the one leading you, He will take you through the still waters but if you take yourself you will encounter storms ~ Job 22: 22 - 25 NKJV.
  • Ensure that the Lord is your Shepherd. It is only when the Lord is Shepherd that you are not permitted to want/ lack.  
    • A shepherd provides grass for his sheep
    • A shepherd leads his sheep to the grass ~ John 10: 27 NKJV - The voice of God is embedded in the scripture.
    • Ensure that His mark of ownership is obvious on your life ~ Galatians 6: 17 KJV. With a mark of ownership people will know who you are without pretense.  Christianity is better practiced outside church.
  • Remain connected to His house ~ Psalm 23: 5 - 6; Psalm 27: 4, 6 KJV; Deuteronomy 8: 8 - 14 NKJV.