Blessed by the word of God

The word of God is calculated for the delivery of good things according to Revelation 1: 3 NKJV. Jeremiah 29: 10 – 11 MSG Luke 1: 34

The blessing and the making of destiny

The primary responsibility of the blessing is to make. Without the blessing nothing can be made. This is according to the scriptures ~ Proverbs 10:

Destroying the power of strangers

•    A stranger is a person or a thing that is unknown or unfamiliar to you.•    No wise person can allow strangers into

The ways of the commanded blessing

A commanded blessing is a promise of God that is embedded with his irrevocable power for its fulfillment. Whatever God says happens: Hebrews 6: 18

The Power of Praise and Thanksgiving

Praise and thanksgiving are vital ingredients for victorious qualitative and meaningful Christian living. Psalm 100: 1 – 4 KJV Psalm 67: 3 – 7; Psalm 34: 1

Appreciation for perfection

Ingratitude is a proof of spiritual illiteracy and spiritual illiteracy is the twin brother is ingratitude ~ 1 Timothy 3: 1 – 2 KJV. To know

Establishing a covenant with God

In Exodus 2:1–10, Moses was born to fulfil the covenant  and so every man on earth was born to establish the will of God on

I refuse to die before my time

Not every death is the will of God – His desire is for us to live to our full age. Job 5: 26; Psalm 91: 16;

The preservation power of prayer

  God does not bring people into his presence to waste their time. When God’s gives an invitation there are things to be obtained. The power of God

Impartation for Manifestation

History is lined up with very many people whose correct identities are yet to manifest. History is full of people who came to the world but

Rising from obscurity to visibility

In Exodus 2: 2 ~ When Moses was born, the mother saw that Moses was a special child (favoured, extraordinary, the deliverer of nations, the

Thanksgiving for generating open doors

Thanksgiving is the shortest form and powerful prayer that can be made any time.  Thanksgiving is the expression of your gratitude to someone who has

Deliverance from personal and family curses

What were Abraham’s blessings? From the scriptures, we learn that God made a covenant with Abraham. This covenant promised a blessing that not only included descendants

The God of limitless divine supplies

The God of limitless divine supplies We serve a God of supernatural supplies; He is All sufficient – Jehovah El-Shaddai; Great Provider - Jehovah Jireh and

Winning the battles of life

Life is a battle field and not a playground. It’s only a fool can say they do not have an enemy ~ Psalm 68: 1

Waging war against the forces of limitation

Waging war against the forces of limitation Some people are born to be flying eagles but were converted into chicken in destiny. There are some people whose

Impartation to flourish and thrive

Impartation is to place something upon somebody. It is to transit or to bestow. There are things that you labour for but somethings heaven will

Defying odds – moving forward by fire

The Israelites find themselves in a situation with no decision and God told them to move forward in Exodus 14:15. This means that: They are not

Let my People Go, says the LORD

 We serve a God who is absolutely interested in the wholeness and wellness of His people ~ Psalm 35: 27 KJV; 3 John 1: 2

Wake up your Faith

From the Luke 8:4--56, Jarius was the ruler of the synagogues, well placed in the society at the time, but he was troubled - he

You shall see them no more

Key notes about the life and confrontations The things of the spirit are caught and not taught ~ John 6: 63.   Many Christians are in church but

The wonders of Thanksgiving and Praise

Praise and thanksgiving ought to be a lifestyle among many Christians as commanded in Acts 2: 27, Psalms 114: 1 and Psalm 34: 1 KJV. 

Cleansing your Family Negative Strongman

Family is the bedrock of our lives. Many people's families are struggling in life seeking for solutions in vain because they have failed to trace

Dealing with negative family patterns

The devil uses different avenues to perpetuate family bondages; it is called negative patterns. Negative patterns affect lives and destinies. Negative patterns are peculiar to

Triumphing over Family Battles and Curses (Part 1)

What do family battles imply? They imply: There are limiting and disempowering forces of generations Negative bloodline transfers possibly from parental transactions with the devil Families constitute trees

Why you need the glory of God by Pastor Ben

Glory encompasses many things. Glory is rooted in Hebrew word ‘Kabod’ which means; magnificent, splendor, power, shining, and power. Therefore, Glory is a heavenly disposition.  Scriptures

The restoration and recovery of destiny

Man was created to have dominion - to command to be obeyed according to Job 22:28. We were created to disciple, discipline and colonize. Man

Closed doors do not answer to gentility

The power that opens the doors Open doors are new levels or next level and new levels attract opposition, enmity and adversity and come with no

The God of open door and open gates

In scriptures, doors and gates signify opportunities that can cause some one to progress in affairs of life such as marital, careers finances. 1 Cor 16:9,

The Wonders of Grace and Mercy of God

In the heart of Christianity lie two foundational pillars: The GRACE of God and the MERCY of God. These divine attributes are not only the

The Power of Praying at Night

The Power of Praying at Night’ is deeply rooted in scriptural teachings, focused on the significance of night prayers and their unparalleled impact on the

Breaking the backbone of delay

Reading on breaking the backbone of delay: Daniel 10:7 - 13 and Deuteronomy 2:1 - 3 NLT Points to ponder For celebration to happen, the drag must

The place of prayer in the ministry

No man lacks what he gives, he only lacks what he keeps  - in this context, if you pray sparingly, you reap sparingly. Only a

He's NO MORE there – He is RISEN!

Dominion is restored by the resurrection. Christians have so much from Dominion Mandate - in Genesis chapter one, man was confirmed with dominion mandate through

Dominion is a Spiritual Inheritance

At the Living Word Assembly Church, every second Sunday of the month is our Impartation Sunday. Reading from Mark 4: 35 – 41 and Revelation 5:

Destroying the Works of Darkness (JMF - 14/02/2024)

Author: Pastor Benjamin Nebechukwu In the spiritual realm, darkness isn't merely the absence of light; it's a tangible force representing demonic activities, depression, fear, stagnation, and