Reading:       2 Kings 9: 1 – 6 KJV

  • Visibility is what makes a difference between achievers and no achievers.
  • Visibility is what makes a difference between the rich and the poor.
  • Visibility is what makes a difference between the celebrated and the rejected.

Ecclesiastes 10: 15 AMP

  • The product that wins in the market place is the one with the best marketing strategy.
  • If the product is not well known it cannot win in the marketplace.
  • The law of visibility states that for you to be connected you must be visible. g a person may be loaded with potential but may not be known. Visibility is a universally applicable law.
  • Anointing for visibility showcases and unveils what you are made of ~ 1 Samuel 16: 13 KJV; A horn is from an animal made by God (used to anoint David); 1 Samuel 10: 1 MSG; but, a flax of oil was made by man (used to anoint Saul).
  • The anointing on David had a hand of God written all over him ~ Psalm 89: 20; Revelation 5: 5 KJV.
  • Men may be able to tamper with what fellow men have done; but, no man can tamper with what God has done ~ Exodus 40: 9; 1 Samuel 16: 13
  • ~Genesis 21: 2 NKJV; Psalm 102: 13 - Heaven sets time.
  • When men set your time, they can also unset it ~ Jeremiah 17: 5; Numbers 23:19 KJV


What are the secrets to anointing for visibility?

  1. Perpetual connectivity to God. Each ones relevance in life is a function of unending connectivity to divinity ~ John 15: 1 - 6 NLT.

-  Nothing is ever built unless God builds it ~ Hebrews 3: 4 NKJV.

  1. Uprightness of character. One of the greatest help God can give to any man is to maintain uprightness of character. Any possession you have without uprightness of character is a set up for disaster.

- To be made visible without character is a visibility unto ignominy.

~ Genesis 6: 8 - Noah became visible by character.

  2 Peter 2: 5 NKJV.

~ Genesis 9: 21 - When Noah did away with righteousness he was ashamed.

  1. Hate what God hates and love what God loves. True spirituality is the capacity to love what God loves and hate what God hates ~ Psalm 45: 7 NKJV/ KJV.

- To claim that you love God and you do not  hate what he hates is fake love (‘made in China love’).

Proverbs 6: 16 – 19 CEV; Proverbs 16: 6 KJV.

What does it mean to hate what God hates?

  1. To be outspoken where evil is found ~ Acts 17: 6 NKJV; John 17: 16 KJV.