Understanding dominion

This world is run by spiritual powers. The power to run the affairs of this world to the people who don't believe in Christ is outsourced. Wealth comes from two dimensions – the tangible and the tangible. The power that drives the tangible is in the intangible.

Sacrifice entitles one to power, dominion, and rule amongst men.

To exercise dominion as a Christian, you must seek first the kingdom of God, This means prioritising the things of God over our decisions in our own agenda.

Where things are to be done, the work of God, the ministry and the work of the kingdom takes prominence and so is when you are taking financial decisions.

Wealth comes from two dimensions – the tangible and the tangible. The power that drives the tangible is in the intangible.

Is that what is happening? No, The love of material wealth – mammon says we seek other things first before God.  


The spirit of mammon (love of money) releases fear in our hearts. Money is never enough and people are always worried it is going to finish.

God has positioned man in a way that man is dependent on spiritual powers.  For those who have no Christ, they submit to the medium to have dominion.

Through Jesus, God drew men for himself through love. Therefore depending on God means supernatural powers for dominion.

In the secular world, where most people have dominion, whether you talk about financial dominion, or political the power of dominion is outsourced. Many have made sacrifices. Some have sacrificed their own children.

Demystifying sacrifice

 Sacrifice is the offering/exchanging something precious or of value for something of higher values and that is usually made under an Altar before a deity.

God gave up Jesus in order to gain the whole world according to Romans 5:8, John 3:16 and Genesis 22:15-17.

The power that gave Jesus dominion was sacrifice. The bible accounts that Jesus is worthy to receive honour, glory and blessings because he sacrificed his life.

And without sacrifice, Jesus would not have had dominion. It's the Sacrifice that gave him Power and Dominion. This therefore, means that without sacrifice, you will not have dominion.

As a christian, to exercise dominion, there must be a sacrifice. Jesus has dominion because of the sacrifice he made according to Revelations 5:10-12. His dominion is not rooted because he was the son of God or he was born of the Virgin Mary.

You need to understand that this world is governed by sacrifice and as a Christian you ought to establish a covenant with God for Dominion. This dominion is sometimes financial.

Dominion doesn't only come by prayers, but it comes by sacrifice. ‌There are realms that you can't operate in when you have not made any sacrifice.

We talk about God but the revelation of his Almightiness is not there in us. And God cannot begin to do  amazing wonders with us if we do not have that revelations. (Genesis 12:1)


Sacrifice establishes and enforces the promise of God in one’s life – according to Psalm 50:3-5 KJV.  Therefore, if you want to go beyond the normal, you need to understand the power of the sacrifice.

God gave us Jesus in order to gain the whole world. The Bible accounts in Romans 5:8 that ‘God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

If God had not given out Jesus as a sacrifice, he would not have people for him according to John 3:16. Without Jesus, God would not have had us.

Through Jesus, God has got so many sons. Jesus is first son of God. Gen 15:1. Gen 22:1

Scriptural examples which changes situations

  • Sacrifice changes situations – 1 Sam 1:7. Learn the keys which the ancestors used to unlock blessings in the Bible. God needed a prophet, Israel needed a priest and Hannah needed a son ~ 1 Samuel 2:21. When Samuel was 12 years, He was taken to the temple and was left him there. Because that what the mother had promised God – that She would give him the son. ‌ 2 Kings 3:22 - 27:

Therefore, you must learn to honor your own promises - ‌How can you now dominate if you can’t own your own words?

  • In 2 Kings 3:25-27 – The earth responds to sacrifice and not to positive confessions, but as you sacrifice speak positively – Hebrews 11:6. This earth wants us to sacrifice - positive confession without sacrifice is not practical. God rewards the sacrifice that people do. King David didn't lose any battle, this is because after winning his first battle, he took the head of Goliath to the tabernacle of God according to 1 Chronicles 22:14.
  • In the kingdom of God, there is no scarcity. The economy of the world is driven by fear. There should be an assurance as a believer that in the Kingdom of heaven there is abundance. ‌There are realms that you can't operate in when you have not made any sacrifice.


  • Sacrifice is the fact that you love God - 1 Kings 3:4. If you love, you must sacrifice. When love does not cause you to give, it is not love. For God so loved the world that he gave his own son – John 3:16
  • God is not emotional or sentimental – he deals with faith. We need to work in obedience in God for God. Walk in reality for the existence of God. Sometimes, we make God so hard to intervene in the affairs of man (1 Kings 3:10). God is real. He's not the story that we read about in the Bible. Many Christians know the God that preachers tell them about, they have not experienced him. God is a personal experience.
  • Many people come to Church to use God and have much have you learnt to offer to God. what burden are you carrying for this ministry that has blessed you and what have you done. We must understand that sacrifice opens the way. 1 Chronicles 29:4
