The Israelites find themselves in a situation with no decision and God told them to move forward in Exodus 14:15. This means that:

  • They are not supposed to stay where they are
  • MOSES, where they are stopping is not their final destination
  • Moses, If they remain in that stay, they will be overrun by the enemy –it’s only a tree that remains where it is, when it hears it going to be cut
  • If they remain there, they will expire by fire, the best decision is for them to relocate


  • Jeremiah 30:23|30:16

Exodus 14:15


  • Never allow anything to stop
  • Refuse for your life to be tired down
  • Keep taking steps as long as if you have life – when you have no job, keep miving dnt sleep
  • Keep making moves and one your moves will work one day, they will work
  • No stopping, no parking and no parking – Parking is only you are allowed if yopu realized that you took a wrong route


Arrival mentality: It’s a state of premature contentment where someone is over satisfied with his or her current level of achievement or over relying on the past life. Many people arrive so soon and expire more than the expected, and eventually they will descend in destiny in Exodus 33:13 - 18. Moses wanted God to show him his glory in addition to the power he possessed such as the stick.

Therefore as Christians, we should not come to the present of contentment. Where popularity has exceeded your humility, you have come to appoint of where calamity becomes inevitable. No matter how successful, you are remain humble.

Failure: Many Christians are quickly stopped by failure; don’t allow failure to stop you. The downfall of the man is not the end of life. What people call failure is meant to be experiences which become a learning curve. The experiences help us to do better. 2 Kings 4:30-36. If Elisha had stopped at the first attempt, he would not have raised the child. The child was raised on the second try. 1 Kings 18:43. The people sometimes turn away from God because God has not answered . The day you stop trying, is the day your destiny will stop decaying, it is your life and nobody will try it for you, you must make it work

Victory: When you over-celebrate victory, will become cheap victims in their phase of life. Life is a work in progress; there is no stopping until you get to your destination

  • Most times what it took you to got what you got, is what it will take you to keep/sustain it. Once they get the breakthrough, they rest.
  • The war might have been worn, the peace must be kept and the peace is kept by the peace
  • Whatever you did to get where you are currently is what you must do to keep there.

Defeat: 1 John 5:4: Most people have ended their journey because they have encountered defeat. There may be setbacks but refuse to give up or step back. Don’t allow your life journey to be arrested because you encountered defeat or asset back. In the mist of war, there are many battles, you might lose the battle, and you might end up winning the war.


  • Keep encouraging yourself and trusting God for INSIPRATION. 1 Sam 30:8
  • Never over celebrate any success and never lament any failure.
  • Endeavor to be making daily progress no matter how little – Psalm 84:7: A missed day has added to your life and can’t be done. Don’t spend your day without reading your bible. This thing must be intentional about being your life.
  • Continue to improve and grow your abilities and potentials: 2 Peter 3:18. Anything that is tangible is improvable. What progress have you done in the journey of salvation? Grow in the knowledge of God, the scriptures.
  • Celebrate God extravagantly for yesterday and accelerate aggressively for tomorrow

Key pointers

  • Progress only happens when steps are taken and moves are made, that is intentional prayer steps, fasting
  • Opposition can only give way when steps are taken and moves are made. The opposition ahead of you is waiting for you to make a step and give way. Some oppositions have persisted because of the un-seriousness – there are no moves or actions from your side. Mark 11:23
  • Destination is only achieved by intentionally doing the right thing. Someone that is crawling is better than a sleeping person.


  • (Your name), hear the word of the Lord and move forward by fire  
  • My father, I have heard your word, push me forward
  • (Your name) By the word of GOD, a rise and shine
  • As I clap and pray, my current level reject me by fire, my next level pull me up