It is important to note that one of the greatest assets of life is light according to John 1: 1 – 5 KJV.
1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not ~ John 1: 1 – 5 KJV ~
It therefore takes light for life to be powered. The availability of light is what makes life meaningful and useful. Darkness connotes premature death or anything evil we can imagine ~ Genesis 1: 1 – 3; Psalm 74: 20 KJV. Light remains the only cure of darkness while darkness can only rule in the absence of light.
Reading: Isaiah 45: 1 – 7 KJV
What is the force of light over darkness?
• Light dominates darkness. Light causes darkness to cease its reign ~ John 1: 5 KJV.
• Light displaces darkness. When light comes darkness is displaced ~ Revelation 12: 9 NLT.
• Light disarms darkness. It cause darkness to be stripped of its weapons and armory. Light occasions the powerlessness of darkness.
• Light uncovers the hidden things of darkness. One of the major assignments of the devil is to cover things ~ Isaiah 25: 7 KJV; Isaiah 45: 3 CEV.
• The dissolution of darkness. Light dissolves darkness; the appearance of light is the disappearance of darkness. The same way salt dissolves in water is the way darkness dissolves in light. The entrances of God's word gives light ~ John 8: 12; Psalm 89: 34 - 35 KJV. The best form of deliverance is the deliverance of mentality ~ Romans 12: 2 KJV.
• Light demystifies darkness. Light causes darkness to be a mystery. Mystery is a function of darkness. When light come darkness is unraveled, light is exposed and light is demystified. Light makes darkness to be naked.
What does it take to see the light?
- The new birth. You need to be born again ~ Matthew 13: 11 KJV. If you are not born again you cannot see the light; as it is in the spirit (womb) so it is in the natural (world), until you are born you cannot see light ~ John 3: 1 - 3 KJV.
- You must be a Bible addict. You must a be a regular reader of the Bible ~ Joshua 1: 8; Psalm 119: 130; Psalm 119: 105 KJV. The more time you read the Bible the more you illuminate your life.
- You must live a focused life. You must avoid casual existence ~ Matthew 6: 22 - 23 NKJV. This generation is perverted and most people are not focused on a particular thing. A good eye focuses on one thing ~ Philippians 3: 13; John 18: 37 KJV.
- The presence of God. Whatever takes you into God's presence is what takes you to the place of illumination ~ 1 Timothy 6: 16; Psalm 91: 1 - 4; Exodus 33: 15 KJV. The things of the spirit are communicated in the spirit; carry the light of God wherever you go.