God’s desire is for mankind is to be fruitful and multiply. When God created man, He created him with a 5- fold mandate ~ Genesis 1: 28. God commands man to:

  • Fruitfulness; productive, resourceful, innovative
  • Multiplication; reproduce, increase
  • Replenishment; circulate the earth with results and impact
  • Subjugation; to bring under control ~ Luke 10: 19
  • Dominion

Reading: Genesis 14: 18 – 23 KJV:

The Bible is full of principles of multiplication, and the God we serve is a God of principles both directly and indirectly. If we follow the principles of God, we will experience multiplication.

What is expected to experience God's multiplication?

1. Tithing: You must be an unrepentant practitioner of tithing.

  1. Tithe was revealed before the Law of Moses ~ Genesis 14: 19 KJV. 
  2. The tithe was commanded by the Law of Moses ~ Leviticus 27: 30 KJV
  3. The tithe was upheld by the prophets in their time ~ Matthew 3: 8 10
  4. The tithe was commended by the Lord Jesus Christ Matthew 23: 23 NLT
  5. The tithe was validated by Apostle Paul as a practice recognizing heaven ~ Hebrews 7: 7 - NKJV

What does the payment of Tithe communicate?

  • Tithing communicates the God is a principled person in your financial decisions ~ Matthew 6: 33 KJV
  • Tithing confirms that we acknowledge that God owns everything we have ~ Acts 17: 28 KJV
  • Tithing confirms that we are faithful stewards of God's resource in our care ~ Matthew 22: 21 KJV. 
  • Tithing confirms our dominion over mammon/ money ~ Matthew 6: 24; Luke 16: 13 KJV.
  • Tithing confirms our understanding that God is our supplier ~ Philippians 4: 19; Psalm 23: 1 KJV; Deuteronomy 8: 18 NLT; Genesis 8: 20 - 22 NKJV/ CEV.

How does tithing bring about multiplication?

  • The tithe is a blessing activator and connector ~ Genesis 14: 18 - 23.
  • The tithe gives you a supernatural access to the economy of heaven Malachi 3: 10 CEV. You will be transported to a realm of unfinished heavenly resources.
  • The tithe opens the heavens for the irrigation of the works of your hands ~ Malachi 3: 10 - 12 GNT *To give without tithing, is to plant in a dry land.
  • The tithe opens the heaven for the rain of divine resources; divine resources connoted divine ideas, direction, strength and God's presence ~ Genesis 39: 2 KJV.
  • Please note that there is a difference between adapting the principles of God and adapting the person of God ~ Job 36: 11 NKJ such as Obedience; willingness to give ~ John 6: 9 - 13 NKJV

Non Biblical examples

  • Henry Parsons Crowell: Founder of Quaker Oats 
  • John D. Rockfeller: "I never would have been able to tithe the first million dollars I ever made if I had not tithed my first salary, which was $1.50 per week" "To release towards God is to access the un-finishable wealth of the Kingdom and to withhold from God is to deny yourself of those resources” ~ Isaiah 45: 1 - 3 NLT
  • Rick Warren - He changed the tithe equation from 10% to God and he gave him 90% and he himself took 10% ~ Isaiah 1: 19 NKJV