Man was created to have dominion - to command to be obeyed according to Job 22:28. We were created to disciple, discipline and colonize. Man was created blessed for fortune and not for misfortune, to be envied and not to be pitied. God blessed man and positioned man beyond the reach of curses.

Scriptures to affirm the dominion of man.  Acts 9:32-40 KJV Jeremiah 29:11, Genesis 1:28, Ruth 1:10-18 KJV, Jeremiah 1:5, Genesis 26:13-14 NKJV

What is destiny recovery and restoration?

  • Destiny recovery is the process of becoming what God created you to become.
  • Destiny recovery is the process of becoming all that you are meant to become and achieving it in life.
  • It is the process of releasing all of life's potential - that is you releasing everything embedded in your destiny at the point of conception ~1 Samuel 16:18
  • It is a process of fulfilling God's vision and passion for creating you.
  • It is the process of departing from this world with minimal regrets.
  • To recover your destiny is to fulfill the purpose for your conception.

What does it take for somebody's destiny to be recovered and restored?

  1. Desperation: Desperation is the refusal to be content with the ordinary or average. Desperation is the key to destination. The end product of a destiny is destination. There is no possession without aggression. In life, nothing can ever be conquered without confrontation. Until there is a fight, there's no flight. Gentility is the reason for calamity ~Amos 6:1 NIV, Genesis 32:28 You need a sense of urgency, alacrity and ferocity.
  2. Devotion ~Jeremiah 29:11: The quality of your devotion determines the quality of your destiny. Devotion is the reason why you are called to do something; therefore do it well. When we do not know what to do with our lives, we end up wasting energy chasing the wrong things in life. You are not called for everything. a) Intimacy with God - Genesis 5:24, Genesis 13, Genesis 19:27 - This is not just about kingdom service or working for God - this is about walking with God. Do not sacrifice your intimacy with God for anything. b) Making a difference in the lives of other people ~Ruth 1:16-17, Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 25:42-45 - Impact is more valuable than income. Christianity is in the way we treat one another - outside of it, it is religiosity.
  3. Revelation ~Deuteronomy 29:29 NIV, 1 Samuel 9:11, 1 Samuel 10:2, 2 Kings 4:1-8: Without revelation, there's no recovery because if it's not revealed it cannot be released.
    • Every revelation is pregnant with a blessing ~Matthew 16:16-17 NKJV - Every time revelation opens up, a blessing is released.
    • Revelation opens your eyes to what is yours - Until your inheritance in God is revealed to you, you cannot understand what is yours. What is not comprehended cannot be apprehended.
    • Revelation equips your spirit with might and power to take what is yours. The energy and the power to rise is injected into you when the light of God's word enters your spirit man ~Ecclesiastes 8:4. The more revelation you have, the more brutal, forceful aggressive, rugged and fight-ful you become in the Spirit ~John 6:63, Deuteronomy 2:24 KJV


Therefore, the essence of revelation/prophecy is for you to wage war ~1 Timothy 1:18: Every promised land has got giants that we need to deal with ~1 Corinthians 16:9

  1. Association ~2 Samuel 13:3-5: Your association determines your acceleration in life: Your Company determines your destiny. Who you surround yourself with determines who you become in life. In life, the place of association in destiny fulfillment cannot be undermined.
  • Association affects your action ~Judges 7:17: Who you walk with determines what you can dare because they have the power of influence to influence you to dare to take steps.
  • Association determines your belief system and mindset ~Proverbs 13:20: Love everybody but be careful with the relationships you keep.
  1. Resposibility: Destiny travels in the direction of responsibility. Until you learn how to give you have not yet learnt how to live. Until you learn how to give, you have no future. Your contribution in life is a critical factor to your destination in your life because your impact will affect your outcome in life.
    • What is the meaning of my life to people around me?
    • What is the benefit of my existence to the world around me? Who you touch determines how far you will go in life.

Heaven is more interested in the impact you are making than what you have achieved for yourself ~ Job 42:10: God responds to prayers that are not necessarily ours. When you live for yourself you are living as a slave but when you live for others, you are free.

  1. Impartation - Hosea 12:13: Impartation brings about destiny restoration. Impartation lifts limitation and stagnation. The place of prophetic covering is key to destiny fulfillment.

Key to note

  • Go for the revelation of God's word so you can access what God has in store for you.
  • The voice of your prophet/shepherd is your recovery tool.
  • Your prophet exists for your profit.
  • Your spiritual father is your ladder for your future.
  • Your spiritual father gives you the feathers to fly.
  • A father that cannot instruct you cannot lead you.
  • If you cannot be instructed, you cannot be fathered.