Life is filled of obstacles, confrontations and battles. It is equally true that also believers are confronted, therefore, you do not need to be a sinner to be confronted.

The devil does not fight non entities, but he fights everything that is good. As believers, you don’t need to be out of the will of God to be confronted.

Most times inside of the confrontation lie your consolation. Your obstacles come to deliver your miracle and that makes a testimony.

It is important to note that just as obstacles are everywhere, miracles are everywhere; the reason for the obstacles is the emergency of the miracle.

Scriptural examples:

  • Job - Job was added more years (verse 16 – 17)
  • Joseph - Obstacles interpreted his dream and guaranteed him for his throne.
  • Peter ~ Luke 5: 5 – 6
  • Children of Israel ~ Joshua 6 (Wall of Jericho) - For every destiny that must make impact in the world there is an obstacle ~ Genesis 27: 40

What are the crucial keys to move you from obstacles to miracles?

  • Shift your focus from obstacles to miracles. By focusing on God you will be surprised to know that Jesus is with you and it gives you a proper interpretation of that situation.  The story of the 3 Hebrew boys and Daniel in the lions' den is clear manifestation of what happens when you trust in God. Therefore, No matter how bad the situation God is with you in that situation ~ John 6: 9 - 11 KJV. We look up to God for us not to be discouraged ~ Psalm 20: 1 - 2 NKJV - Help comes from the sanctuary.
  • Love for God ~ Romans 8: 28; Daniel 6: 22 NKJV. Lovers of God do not die like chicken ~ Daniel 3: 17; John 13: 34 NKJV. Those who love God consider God first ~ Genesis 39: 8 – 9 * Every time you face an obstacle ignite your love for God.
  • Discover your identity ~ Hoses 4: 6; Daniel 11: 32.

Who am I?

  1. You are the beloved of the Lord ~ Psalms 103: 1 - 5; Psalm 8: 4 - 5. Jesus is the friend that sticks closer than a brother ~ Proverbs 18: 24.
  2. You are a joint heir with Christ ~ Romans 8: 17 TPT/ NKJV
  3. You are seated spiritually with Jesus in the heavenly places ~ Ephesians 1: 11, 20 - 22 NKJV. *Those who do not know who they are; the devil will tell them who they are not.
  • It’s another key that turns obstacles into miracles ~ Deuteronomy 28: 1; John 2: 5; Isaiah 1: 19; 1 Corinthians 14: 33; Luke 22: 3; Exodus: 4: 10; Jeremiah 1: 5 NKJV.* When you disobey your parents, you are disobeying God.