• Life is a journey and a choice. It is possible to go through life sweating to survive but it is also possible to go through life without struggle.
  • The anointing of ease is what makes us high flyers.
  • Human effort without the input of the supernatural is a waste of effort.
  • Nothing is ever made until God makes it ~Matthew 4:19
  • To operate outside the atmosphere of the anointing of ease is to operate in the realm of frustration ~Ecclesiastes 9:11, Zechariah 4:6

Reading:  James 1:21-25 KJV

What does anointing of ease stand for?

  • It is the supernatural enablement that God provides to accomplish a task with minimal effort even when others find tasks extremely difficult to complete.
  • The anointing provides us with supernatural knowledge, wisdom, understanding and grace to solve problems innovatively and scale through hurdles in life ~ Psalm 23:6.

Dangers of operating outside the anointing of ease

  • Functioning in a state of profitless hard work. Input without commensurate output.
  • Favour famine ~Psalm 5:12
  • Closed doors.
  • Cycle of misfortune.
  • Failure at the edge of breakthrough - near success syndrome, almost there but never there, the spirit of Pisgah~ Deuteronomy 3:27 CEV
  • Denial of right - where what ought to be yours is denied.
  • Internal disappointment and frustration - to be disillusioned. Internally the person is dying but externally, all seems well.

Steps to being anointed for ease

  • A complete handover of your life to Jesus ~James 4:8-10 NLT
  • Become a devoted reader and doer of God's word. It is one thing to read and it is another thing to obey and do ~James 1:25. Become addicted to the Word. Make it your lifestyle ~Luke 5:5, Deuteronomy 28:1. You cannot talk about a Jesus you do not know.
  • Become a prayer addict ~1 Thessalonians 5:17, Ephesians 5:17, Luke 18:1. If you pray you cannot fail, fall or faint.
  • ove for people ~ 1 Samuel 22:2 NLT


Life isn’t ought to be a struggle. It is also true that human effort is not enough to guarantee easy life, for you to become all that God intended for you to become according to Romans 9:16. God has designed life for men to experience ease.

Read: Psalms 89:20-25

What does anointing of ease stand for?
•    Embodiment of the spirit of God on a person that makes him or her do extraordinary things with ease. 
•    The hand of God upon a person ~1 Kings 18:46, Psalm 89:20-25

Scriptural examples.
1.    David ~ Psalm 89:20-25
•    Eighth child
•    Forsaken and rejected by both parents ~Psalm 27:10
•    Despised and ignored in his father's house ~1 Samuel 16:11
•    Victim of recurrent depression ~Psalm 42:5-6,11 NLT
•    Victim of multiple conspiracies and confrontations. 
2. Leah according to Genesis 29:31
3. Isaiah in 60:15-22

How did the anointing establish David?
•    David became the referenced king of Israel. 
•    David became the owner of the city of David.
•    David became the custodian of many gifts ~1 Samuel 22:2  
•    David became the forefather of the Messiah ~Revelations 5:5
•    David was an established billionaire ~Psalm 35:27, Psalm 89:24-25 AMP, Isaiah 45:1-3

Steps to being anointed for ease. 
1.    Passion for God ~Psalm 42:1-2, Psalm 63:1 NKJV, Psalm 50:2. If you have not lost your passion for God, you cannot lose your portion in life. 
2.    Addiction to divine direction ~Psalm 32:8, Isaiah 48:17, Hebrews 3:4, Psalm 127:1