Knowledge gives us light. There are sometimes when we struggle over many things as believers are because we lack light. When there is light, you find your way.

Deliverance implies bringing something out of captivity - it means that someone stronger than you is holding something from you and someone who is stronger than the one who is holding it delivers you and that is called deliverance.

Family deliverance is applying the concept of deliverance to the family. It applies to father, mother, siblings children, it can be also be extended to the clans and communities..

Deliverance is part of redemption and what Jesus paid for on the cross just like Holy Spirit baptism.

Key Time Stamps: Night of wonders

  • 00:00:00-00:34:33: Opening prayers, Praise and worship
  • 00:34:33-01:00:01 - Pastor Sam's session
  • 01:00:10 - 01:49:34 - Pastor Ben and Charity ministering
  • 02:32:38 - 05:45:04 - Apostle Victor teaching

Everything you have not appropriated cannot be your portion. Even though your portion has been provided, you need appropriation. Like when you are sick, someone has to minister to you to receive your healing. The healing doesn’t just come through and so is deliverance.

Acts 16-31: The Romans asked Silas, believe in the lord and you will be healed you and your household. You can be saved to say and receive your deliverance. The challenge is that many get saved and after sometimes we are not moving forward and we open the door for the devil in our lives for afflictions.

Every scripture works when you appropriate them – You must not only be excited about your salvation, you must be concerned about your family members. The reason is the issues of foundation

Zechariah 1:5 – God asked Zechariah where his fathers are, which implies that our foundations matter.

God is generational God - He doesn’t deal with individuals his intention to touch your descendants, while Satan has intentions to touch your descendants.

The consequences of transactions between Satan and our forefathers are affecting us now. The devil does the opposite of what God s doing and turns it into a negative.

Your life you are living now springs from somewhere – That place has influence on you, that’s why we do family deliverance.

In Lamentations 5:7, the bible accounts that ‘Our fathers’ sinned and they are no more, but we are bearing their iniquities.

There is a difference between SIN and INIQUITY:  

  • Sin has to do with an act that you (an individual) committed 
  • Iniquity becomes the generational problem that stems out that sin that you committed. Iniquity is the sin that has lived in people over time as a result of the sins of the forefathers.

As a result of the transaction of the forefathers with the devil, the people are suffering the sins of the iniquity, therefore, iniquity is not your sin – your sins become inequity before your generation.

In Job 8:8-9 – the bible says that ‘we consider the things done by your former fathers’– To do proper deliverance, you need to find out the iniquities committed by your fathers that have brought calamity, cycle of illegitimacy and giving us over the dominion of the enemy, failures at the point of breakthrough, incurable diseases, Don’t just move like that, pay attention to these things.

Just like we can’t run away from our shadows and so is our foundations – our lives is a reflection of the past. The experiences are springing from a reality somewhere. Shadows are of reflections of reality – There is an origin of your current reality.

The death of Jesus provided for our well-being, salvation. But not everyone has been appropriated. Read 2 Corinthians 9:8.

There are millions of believers who are struggling – yet the bible states in 2 Corinthians 8:9. If you don’t appropriate your cross to live in your situation, you will live in this situation, despite the assurance by Jesus.

We need appropriation – it is the one that changes things – attending the church daily doesn’t change everything. Many believers are spiritually lazy to meet their appropriation of the Word of God.

Tackling family deliverance

Our salvation is three fold: it tackles the spirit, the soul and body.

  • The spirit man is saved – Is delivered and set free – No devil can penetrate your spirit
  • The soul- has your will and conscious – The will therefore carries your family life
  • The body carries family blood life: Bloodline- That how and why the transactions they did can affect you.

To tackle challenges of family deliverance, you need proper medication. Before medication is done, you must do proper diagnosis – The medication is in the blood of Jesus.

As it is in the physical and so is the family spirits - The spirit that called family spirits that lie in the bloodline such as drunkards in the family is in the bloodline, adulteries.  

You’re in church, economic situations, it’s because it runs from the bloodlines, but want to commit adultery because is in your blood line. It comes from the soul and the body not your spirit. Therefore, your soul and boy need deliverance.

Your soul and body has to go through transformation for your life to transform. The body that housed the soul will be saved at rapture when we are transformed. The sin lives in your soul and body not the spirit.

Scriptural examples

Genesis 38- 1-ffg

According to the Jewish custom, a young brother sleeps with the woman to produce the children for late brothers, before he marries his own wife. Er died without children, Onan wanted to have a baby and did not take responsibility.

Some problems are sticking because they are generational connotations. Same as when men sleep with their daughters because they don’t see a problem that time. That’s destroying generations. When lust comes to you, you can’t control; yourself. The father-in-law was begging to sleep with the daughter in law uncontrollably.

Judah in Gen 49:9-10: The father committed incest – and the children would be bastards. When the child is born illegimately, they will have a delay of God’s intended blessings in 10 generations.

In Matthew 1:1: The genecology of Jesus Christ: Judah could not produce a king until David because of irresponsible act of the bloodline. Anytime Satan is pushing you to do a carry act, is touching your bloodline.

2 Samuel 11:1-4: After David had mounted the throne; David is still struggling the issue of immorality. David slept with Beersheba once and became pregnant and so are Tamar and Judah.

David – killed Uriah – he wanted to preserve his name and God sent Prophet Nathan, birthing more consequences including the neighbors sleeping with the wife on top of his own house.

Amon - He raped his sister – Absolom heard it and wanted to kill Amon. Sexual sin has brought sin in the family – bloodshed. Took all David’s concubines (his fathers) and Absolom slept with them 2 Samuel 15-1. Absolom was killed – sword came to his house because of sexual sin.

Solomon’s kingdom was established – Family bloodline is likened like eating from a fruit tree with who you don’t know who the owner.

Jeremiah 16:9-11: Idolatry is also a root cause of family bondage. The family, farmlands are dedicated to them – which affects the ides, missions and innovations.

How to do family deliverance  

  • Job 8:8-9: Spiritual mapping and investigations:

There is no one way of getting family deliverance – in executing family deliverance, there are different executions. God told Gideon to get a bull and pull down the Altars of our father’s household.

The occults fight you from the past, they find sacrifice, get and activate the past. They don’t fight you based on the current lifestyle. They invoke the spirits that your fathers abandoned and they start fighting you. You need to operate from the source – don’t make it a rule – to only pray only from the city – do the Gideon execution in your father’s house.

  • Spiritual mapping

Find out the altars your fathers/fore fathers served, their characteristics, how was your family established? Inquire about the incurable diseases that are in the family, that patterns in the marriage. Find out what happened to other generations so that you have wisdom and you start appropriating the cross. The results should not scare you, the doctor – Jesus wants you to deal with that problems. Mathew 23:34

  • Prayer of inquiry:

If you don’t inquire about the spiritual transactions, and deal with them, If you don’t they will wipe you off.  You need a prayer of inquire about the things that are troubling and the power of the beauty if redemption. Don’t pray only the prayers of demand.  The cross has answers; the problem with believers is knowing how to appropriate.

  • The acts of Repentance: Lev 26:42:

There are iniquities that won’t be dealt with until there is repentance and confessions. Repentance is 70% of deliverance: It is a priestly job and acting as a priest over your Family not because you have sinned. Hebrews 5:1. Legal grounds must be taken out by repentance – there is a covenant between your father’s and the spirits. If you pray and the problem doesn’t shift, then find repentance. Repentance entails Repentance, Confession and Renouncement.

Repentance, confessions and renounce the spirits – renounce the spirits because your father’s made a covenant with you. Renouncing has to do with rejecting covenants and you must be sincere. Break the covenants that have been brought to the family

  • Apply the blood of Jesus:

Jesus made the provisions of everything have been reconciled by Jesus. But you need to enforce. You need repentance over your family for bringing the issues in the body of Christ.  Without asking repentance and renouncing, the infirmities will not go away and deliverance won’t be sustained.

Rev 5:2-14 – This is the coronation of Jesus over the earth. This means that when we go to family deliverance, you need to proclaim it, after repentance and renouncement. You must exercise authority and power.

John was shocked when he got this revelation when Jesus was accorded this glory in heaven – having spent all the time with him as an ordinary person on earth. Take a team and walk with the pastor to minister to your family.

  • Raise prayer voices in the place:-

Establish time of prayer in that place – establish the priesthood and replace the satanic priesthood with righteous. You need consistency in prayer both privately and corporately as you establish your dominion. Take responsibility for the manifestation of your father’s house – the priesthood of God in your father’s house.

  • Minister practical deliverance - Psalm 78:59-62:

God left the tabernacle at Shiloh because of idolatry. Even when God rejects a family, God has his ways of establishing a remnant to bring that family back to God. When you see calamities happening, it’s because of the sins of iniquity.

Don’t back off – increase the velocity – Family deliverance many not be a onetime deliverance. The three days have introduced you to the battle to overcome the calamity in your family. Therefore don’t give up, maintain the momentum.

Prayer Points

  • Lord we come before you, Iniquity prevailed over us, we have inherited iniquity from our bloodline. Lord have mercy,
  • Every emotional weakness in my life be terminated
  • My fathers, whatever I inherited from my bloodline, immoral deposit, catch fire
  • Spirit of lust leveraging my life, I curse you away out of life
  • Any form of family iniquity running in my family dry up now in the name of Jesus