Key notes about the life and confrontations

The things of the spirit are caught and not taught ~ John 6: 63.  

Many Christians are in church but few are receptive and sensitive to receive from the spirit. 

The things of the spirit go beyond grammar ~ Exodus 4: 19 NIV.

Whatever has a beginning has an end; as it is in the physical so it is in the spiritual.  

It is not proper for anyone to be comfortable with pain or negativities of all sorts. This means that we need to have a fighting spirit to attain our destiny through Chrst Jesus.

The things you were delivered from yesterdays will even make attempt to come back. In the contemporary times, Egyptians could represent; delay, rejection, rise and crash, failure e.t.c that people are battling with.

Reading: Exodus 14: 13 - 15 NKJV

Is it possible for the Egyptian tenure in one's life to be terminated?

Scriptural examples:

Genesis 1: 1 - 4 NKJV. (Verse 3) shows that when God saw darkness it was not good but he terminated it with light (Verse 4).

Mark 5: 25 - 34 NKJV. The woman with an infirmity was desperate for solution, because to loss blood means loss of life gradually ~ Leviticus 17: 11. 

Acts 9: 36 - 43. The death of Dorcas became a concern to the widows who wept when she died and it triggered compassion in Peter's heart, prompting him to call to rise.

What does it take to provoke the visitation of God against your Egyptians?

Be calm. God is limited in a state of confusion, pain, worry and anxiety ~ Psalm 46: 10. E.g 'If you can worry, why do you pray?'. Allow God to be God. Don’t allow God to be far from your by becoming anxious ~ Philippians 4: 6 MSG/ TPT.

Understand that the battle is not yours battle. The earlier you understand that the battle is not yours, the better for you ~ Deuteronomy 20: 4; 2 Chronicles 20: 15 NKJV. 

After realizing that the battle is the Lord's then he will fight for you. And you are guaranteed that God will win the battle ~ Psalm 24: 8; Isaiah 29: 5 - 7 NLT.

After God has fought for you, the next thing is for you to go forward ~ Zechariah 4: 7 NLT.