In Exodus 2: 2 ~ When Moses was born, the mother saw that Moses was a special child (favoured, extraordinary, the deliverer of nations, the mouth piece of God e.t.c) distinguished BUT was hidden. One can be fully loaded inside yet covered.
Psalm 92: 12 NKJV ~ A righteous person is a national entity and cannot be covered but must stand out in destiny. In 1 Samuel 1: 12 KJV ~ Hannah was marked by the presiding priest, and told her: "May the God of Israel answer you."
- 1 Samuel 1: 10 – 19 KJV
- Exodus 2: 1 – 10 NLT
First Service: Blessing Service with Pastor Benjamin Nebechukwu
What are the keys to rising from obscurity to visibility?
1. Alignment with King Jesus: John 8: 12 NKJV.
- According to the scripture light cannot be covered; walking in darkness is to be covered, existing without relevance e.t.c ~ Revelation 12: 12 NKJV. To align with light means total departure from darkness ~ Matthew 5: 13 NKJV.
What does it mean to align with God? Read ~ Job 21 - 25 MSG: Those who have Jesus have everything.
2. Continue in prayer ~ Colossians 4: 2 KJV. It is one thing to pray and another to continue in prayer. Continuing in prayers means consistency. Situations ought to drive people to God and not away from God ~ Psalm 50: 2.
- To remain faithful in prayer is to remain fruitful in destiny/ life. Where you stop praying is where God will stop working.
What happens if you continue in prayer? Psalm 18: 28 MSG ~ anybody who tarries in God's presence gains more glory. The more time you spend in the presence of God the better for your life ~2 Corinthians 3: 18 KJV.
3. Giving: It is possible to give your way out of obscurity ~ 1 Samuel 1: 11 MSG.
'People only lack what they keep’ - Bishop Oyedepo. Give with love not with a business mindset. God's rewarding system is a mystery.
4. Dissatisfaction with the status quo: Getting dissatisfied with the way things are. Deuteronomy 1: 1 - 4 NKJV; Deuteronomy 2: 2 NLT.
- Your current status is not permitted to change until you show signs of tiredness ~ Genesis 27: 40 MSG. In this world, there are two forces that rule - the forces of light and the force of darkness ~ John 11: 44 NKJV.
- Do not take things for granted. It takes mysteries to demystify mysteries. Your current status is not permitted to change until you show signs of tiredness ~ Genesis 27: 40 MSG.
- In this world, there are two forces that rule - the forces of light and the force of darkness ~ John 11: 44 NKJV. Do not take things for granted. It takes mysteries to demystify mysteries.