In Jesus’ time, the denarius belonged to Ceaser. In the contemporary times, the Ugandan currency belongs to the Ugandan government. So, are the Christians to Christ. In Genesis 1:26, why would God make man in His image because Man belonged to God. This is God’s original design and intention. If you understood the image in which you are created, you would allow God to rest and you do God's work.
Scripture: Matthew 22:17-18
Therefore, in Romans 8:29 - the goal of Christianity is to portray the image of Christ.
The ability to sin was never taken from man because he was saved.
- My spirit was saved
- The soul is being saved
- The body cannot be saved - 1 Corinthians 9:27. That is why the flesh is always on war with the spirit
In Christianity, You have do not have to be right, you have to be obedient to God. At the end of the day, you have to emulate Christ. Ephesians 4:21-24
In the scriptures, we learn the qualities f God that God is all-knowing, all-seeing and all powerful, yet He was looking for Adam in the Garden of Eden, it’s because Adam was not where he was supposed to be.
Many Christians are missing on their calling. Adam was hiding because he had eaten the fruit and had missed on his fellowship with God.
Read Galatians 5:16: Christians commit sin because they have not renewed their mind. The war between Flesh and Spirit is an ongoing battle - Gal 5:17.
How do we win the battle between the spirit and the Flesh
- Be baptised in the Holy spirit
- Make God's kingdom the priority of your life: live for God.
How to develop the fruit of the spirit: Gal 5:19-22 (Vs 22 - fruits of the spirit)
- Morning devotional - Meet with God everyday
- Meditation of Word of the Lord
- Discipline: Must do fasting. Any Christian who can't fast can't do the work of the Lord
- Worship: Rom 12:1 NLT - Worship is consecration and sanctification. I belong to God. God doesn't use the things that do not belong to him. Worship is discipline, Prayer (Sustained prayer