Our God is a God of all round multiplication. He mandated Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply according to Genesis 1: 22 and Genesis 9: 1 KJV. Anything given to God multiplies in return 


  • 2 Kings 7: 3 – 9 KJV
  • Matthew 14: 13 – 21 KJV
  • 2 Corinthians 9: 10 TPT
  • Luke 6: 38 
  • Matthew 14: 15 KJV.

What does Matthew 14: 15 mean?

  • In this scripture, Jesus feeds the five thousand with only five loaves of bread and two fish.
  • You do not need to leave Jesus to make it in life.
  • You do not need to leave Jesus to multiply in life.
  • You do not need to leave Jesus to achieve anything you need in life.
  • It is possible for every department in your life to be multiplying at the same time

What does Matthew 14: 19 mean? 

- Jesus blessed the loaves and fish. Before distribution, he put a blessing on them. On account of the blessing, the loaves and fish which were not enough originally became enough. READ Hebrews 6: 14 NKJV; Genesis 26: 13 NKJV; Ezekiel 36: 11 NKJV/ AMP; Zechariah 4: 10 KJV

What are the keys to multiplication? 

  1. The Word of God. Everywhere the word of God appears, multiplication must happen. The word of God is central to the increase of the earth ~ John 1: 1 - 5 KJV. Every glamour you see is the word, whatever must grow must come from the word.

Scriptural examples:

  • In Genesis, The word of God populated the empty earth ~ Genesis 1: 1 - 2 KJV
  • Your world is not permitted to be empty as long as you are connected to the Living Word ~ Isaiah 45: 18 NLT. 
  • The Word of God produced the miracle of multiplication for the widow of Zarephath ~ 1 Kings 17: 12 
  • The word of God through Elisha produced the miracle of multiplication and increase at the gate of Samaria ~ 2 Kings 7: 1 - 5 KJV. Seasons of scarcity shall give birth to seasons of plenty ~ Psalm 132: 14 - 15.
  • The word of God brought about the multiplication of the disciples ~ Acts 6: 7. The increase of the word brings about the multiplication. 
  • The word of God multiplied food for Elisha and the people who were with him ~ 2 Kings 4: 42 - 44 NKJV.
  • The word of God re-populated the earth through Noah ~ Genesis 9: 1 3. The word of God always brought the gathering of great multitudes ~ Luke 5: 15 NKJV; Luke 5: 5 - 6 NKJV.

How does the word of God begin to attract multiplication?

  1. The word of God carries creative power. The capacity to bring into existence what was not in existence.
  2. The word of God carries a divine magnetic power. It has capacity to pull in your direction what you desire ~ Ruth 3: 18 NKJV; Ezekiel 37: 7 NLT/ NKJV.  
  3. c) The word of God puts systems and structures under pressure to produce multiplication ~ 2 Kings 7 KJV 

2. Obedience to the word: The Bible tells us that God blesses and rewards obedience. Isaiah 1: 19 KJV; Deuteronomy 28: 1; John 2: 5.