What were Abraham’s blessings?

From the scriptures, we learn that God made a covenant with Abraham. This covenant promised a blessing that not only included descendants and land but also spiritual blessings and divine favour.

Therefore, Abraham’s blessing mean:

  • Surviving what your father/ mother/ siblings could not survive
  • Achieving what your father could not achieve
  • Stopping what stopped your father/ancestors
  • Getting where you mother/ father/siblings got to

Galatians 3: 13 – 14 NKJVChrist hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: 14. That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

What is a curse?

  • A curse is a pattern of negativity, adversity, calamity upon a person or a family.
  • A curse of force of empowerment unto failure, reproach, delay, frustration.
  • A curse is a sentence unto pain, sentence unto harm, sentence unto discomfort or sentence unto disadvantage.
  • A curse is a garment of disfavor, a garment of rejection, a garment of misfortune, a garment of disappointment.
  • A curse a force of hindrance, limitation or resistance. You do everything humanly possible, but there is a force that keeps pulling you down.
  • A curse is a plague of trouble, problems or distresses. A curse is a cocktail of problems or drowning with problems.
  • A curse is a climate of hardship and atmosphere of scarcity. It does not matter where the person moves to that person carries a negative climate that makes things not to work in their lives and wherever they go.
  • A curse is a spell of non-productivity and fruitlessness. Non productivity and fruitlessness connotes labour with no results, struggles with no rewards, input without commensurate output, and efforts without effects.

What are the origins of curses?

  1. Through personal iniquity and wickedness. Be careful how you live your life because you reap what you sow. If you sow evil, you reap evil and so is for good.

 Scriptural examples where personal iniquity has caused curses.

Genesis 35: 22|Genesis 49: 3 - 4 (destiny exchange)|1 Chronicles 5: 1

Numbers 27: 1 - 3 NLT| Matthew 7: 12|Galatian 6: 7

Genesis 38: 7 – 10|James 4: 17|Genesis 3: 17 (Adam)

  • Parental iniquity and wickedness ~ Joshua 7: 24 – 25; Numbers 16: 1 – 6, 28 - 33 NLT (You may not carry the same grace with your age mate).
  • Occult and witchcraft involvement ~ Leviticus 19: 31 MSG; Isaiah 47: 9 – 11 NLT.

What is the foundation of deliverance from these curses?

By virtue of creation your deliverance is a sure-banker ~according to Genesis 1: 27–28 NKJV. It means:

  • God blessed you before you were cursed.
  • The blessing preceded the curse.
  • Light existed before darkness.
  • The parental transactions that implicated your destiny came later the blessing.
  • You can make demands to creation for your deliverance.

By virtue of the covenant.  Your deliverance is a must. Scriptural example: Abraham ~ Genesis 11: 26 -32 NKJV.

Abraham was delivered by God from 3 things: namely a) Dying before time, b) Living without relevance c) Starting without finishing, Terah started and never finished.  The three were the trinity of calamity that Abraham’s family experienced but God delivered him from them all. Genesis 12: 1 – 5 NKJV: Abraham got to where his father failed to reach. Read Galatians 3: 13 – 14 NKJV

By virtue of the prophetic. We have the law and the prophetic. The covenant is God’s agreement with His people.  Prophets speak into the future and they speak the mind of God into God's people ~ Ezekiel 18: 20; Exodus 20: 5 NLT.  You should not be held responsible for what your father’s sins. ~ Jeremiah 31: 29 - 30; Proverbs 11: 9 NKJV.

By virtue of redemption. Deliverance is a sure-banker ~ 1 Peter 1: 18 - 19 CEV. The blood of Jesus paid the price for us.

What is the way of deliverance?

Receive the word ~ Psalm 107: 20; John 8: 32 KJV.

  • The word is a light and light scatters darkness ~ John 1: 5 KJV. Darkness such as ancestral spirit, failure at the edge of breakthrough e.t.c.
  • The word of God is truth ~ John 17: 17; John 8: 32 KJV.
  • The word carries force ~ Job 6: 25 KJV.

Believe the wordThe word is the truth; agree with the truth, stand in the truth and side with the truth.

Reject the lie ~ Hebrews 11:24 - 25 NKJV.

What to refuse?

  • Refuse to belong to the devil. Do not let the devil initiate you into nonsense
  • Refuse to agree that no one can escape from curses ~ Genesis 4: 9 - 22 NKJV.