All truth are parallel, there is a way to arrive to truth. This is through research – if you’re diligent and objective enough you can arrive to truth. When there is a mismatch in objectivity, then God uses revelation to bring truth to us. Therefore, don’t despise science because of faith, Science is the coding and unpacking of what God knows. God put the science for it to be studied. People who should know God well are those with the scientific mind.

READ: 2 Corinthians 9:8

If you must prosper in life, you must study this WORD and this word is the light of men and the darkness cannot comprehend.

The light comes from the original. You must study the origin also that when the counterfeit comes, you will be able to discern.

Three things that must be done:

  • Must know why you are created - that is the purpose
  • Must acquire all the skills you need to unleash that purpose. There is a reason for your being. Paying the price – It takes time to be able to stand when you’re confronted by the trials- It is about the life you bring out.


Success minded: In Exodus 41:51-52 –Many Christians are too fear minded – and what you don’t want, you don’t watch. Most people believe in negativity than the positivity – eg God bless you vs the devil wants to kill you. Most people will believe the negative than the positive. As a Christian, You must be success minded for you to be productive in life. Gen 41:51 –The story of Joseph. Irrespective of the hardships or trials that happened to you, You must learn to forego about that issue/challenge. Joseph forgot his brothers who sold him as a slave to Egypt and he focused on the positivity. Don’t be entangled in the yoke of bondage because whom the son has set free is free indeed. Success minded people don’t wait until you have seen the manifestation of what they want to see. Be thankful now. Don’t dress your past, dress your future.

SEE – Jeremiah 1:11 – Verse 05: If God knows you, do you know yourself? What you see, God will oversee, until you see it, God is not obliged to see it or to be involved. The great pain is to see the talented people waste their grace upon their head. To see or move forward, don’t focus on the mess, focus on God’s message. Human being will not forget you, They will call you what they want to call, you but God has overlooked. Begin to dream big.

Must sow: Gen 26:: When we say sow, everyone is thinking about money. Isaac was a farmer, he started a business, no matter the economy, he kept on growing until he became very great.

Security: Gen 14:14 –If God knew that the devil will steal your blessings from you, God would not have given you. Every blessings God has given you, he knows that he will fight for it. You must therefore be ready to fight for every blessing that God has given you.

Spirit-filled: 1Corinthians 2:6: What God has prepared for you, no one knows. If you are waiting for prophesy, you are wasting your time. Let no man despise your youth.  1 Cor 9:10. What are the things that God will reveal to you. Do you have capacity to reveal big things – most of us are believe God for small things. If you don’t understand how God speaks, you will miss God.