We serve a God who is absolutely interested in the wholeness and wellness of His people ~ Psalm 35: 27 KJV; 3 John 1: 2 KJV

We serve a God who can do anything to enforce the freedom and liberty of His people ~ Isaiah 43: 3 – 4 NLT; Genesis 9: 6 NLT; Isaiah 49: 24 KJV.

God is in the business of liberating his people. The release of divine promises and resources that are hanging. Through God, there is judgment of every power and stronghold that has refused to let his people go.


  • Isaiah 43: 1 – 7 KJV
  • Isaiah 49: 24 – 26 KJV 
  • Psalm 18: 43 - 48 TPT 
  • Exodus 4: 22 – 23 NKJV


In the school of captivity, there are major captives both lawful and unlawful captives.

The lawful captives include:- 

  • Captivity by inheritance - from parents or ancestors
  • Captivity by decision - intentional captivity of self
  • Captivity by birth - this is through the nature of their birth
  • Captivity by covenant and curses - this is a result of curse.
  • Unconscious captivity - somebody is possessed but is not aware i.e. blind witch.
  • Captivity by evil dedication - somebody is dedicated to an idol or a shrine. Such people struggle to do well in life.
  • Captivity through the placenta ~ Job 40: 16 NKJV/ KJV

The Scripture in Job 40: 16 means:-

The placenta and the power it carries, The navel and the power it carries and the belly button and the power it carries - A child's destiny can be implicated through a mother.

What does Pharaoh represent? 

The major hindrance to what God's people want to become is Pharaoh

  • A stronghold of affliction ~ Exodus 3: 6 - 10 NKJV
  • The stronghold of confinement. Anything that puts you in prison is a Pharaoh ~ Micah 2: 13 MSG. Under confinement one is limited and what is free to others becomes a luxury to them.
  • The stronghold of deprivation and scarcity i.e shortage, dryness, famine, desert spirit, working like an elephant and eating like an ant, labour without results. The devil may want to release some people but keep their resources ~ Haggai 2: 6 - 7 NKJV
  • The stronghold of deities and altars (demonic altars and deities) ~ Exodus 12: 12 - 13 KJV. 
  • The stronghold of limitation. This is where somebody is not permitted to cross a certain limit.  

What are the keys for release?

  1. The power of God's word ~ Jeremiah 23: 29 KJV.
  2. The power of the blood ~ Zechariah 9: 11 - 13 KJV.
  3. The power of the anointing ~ Isaiah 10: 27 NKJV; Acts 10: 38 KJV.