From Luke 18:35-43, ‘’as Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. 36 When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” The blind man called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Jesus was faced by a blind man, who was a beggar – we have been taught in the scriptures to request not to beg.

Let’s refer to the story of Jericho once again from the story of Jesus’s perspective.

The blind man:

  • Was not able to move around
  • He could not see who he was because he was blind
  • He had no idea of his environment and about his country. We need to know our environment – we need to appreciate where we come from, because we are blind, for us to benefit from it.
  • He could not appreciate the beauty except by touch – anybody blind is always in darkness whether it's day or night

In his ministry throughout the scriptures, Jesus touched the bodies of people and healed their disabilities. He started with opening the eyes of the blind and ears of the deaf.

Disability is a sign that people are living in a world blinded by sin. Jesus commissioned the apostles to heal the sick, raise the dead and this is Church’s continuous responsibility.

The blind man called out Jesus, The son of David at his birth according to Luke 2:11. When he knew Jesus as a Messiah and the Lord, his (Blind man) faith was fired because the Lord was walking by. The other crown looked at him as Jesus of Nazareth.

The question is who is Jesus to You? Is he Jesus of Nazareth or the Son of David? Our perspectives on our visualisation of Jesus is very key in receiving from Jesus.

The blind man only knew that Jesus was Lord. Jesus heard and stopped. When we call Jesus, He listens.

Jesus asked him a direct question that needed a direct answer. We need to be direct when we are requesting from God.

May God open our eyes for us to understand the will of God over our lives.

It was a chance for him (blind man) to ask for what men could not give him such as cloths, food or begging plate.

Do you ask God for only things that he can do or we ask for only man can do? The blind man knew what dignifies God and he asked for sight.

Jesus said ‘Receive your sight because Jesus was delighted and dignified. The blind man asked for only what God could give.

How big is your God?

God is bigger that your problems – and he is big enough to complete all your problems. How are you rating your God amidst the problems? It’s all about understanding the difference between Jesus the Nazareth and Jesus the son of David.

The bible accounts that when we are in Jesus, we are new creation that amplifies that our circumstances must change. The blind man didn’t beg again. His life changed.

The similarities between Zacchaeus and the Blind man

Zacchaeus was spiritually blind – Luke 19:1-10. He was not poor but he wanted to see Jesus and climbed a tree because his spirit was longing to see Jesus.

Jesus called him by his name because Jesus knew him - signifying that Jesus knows us by our names even whn we stray away. He knows each one of us by our name and our circumstances.

Zacchaeus was rich through corruption so the sin had spiritually blinded. He could not read the law which stipulated that ‘DO NOT STEAL’ because he was spiritually blind.

When Jesus visited his home, he received the light of God. His spiritual eyes were opened and he opted to give out to the poor from his accumulated wealth – Luke 19:1-10

He was for the first time called the son of Abraham. It is important that christians emulate Jesus and his values. When we receive Jesus, then there is need for transformation. Just as Zacchaeus who transformed when he received Jesus, so for is our need as Christians.