Impartation is to place something upon somebody. It is to transit or to bestow. There are things that you labour for but somethings heaven will impart on you ~ Romans 1: 11 KJV; Psalm 92: 12 NIV.
- Daniel 2: 17 – 22 KJV
- Psalm 92: 12 - 14 (NIV)
Characteristics of a Cedar Tree - Psalm 92: 12 NIV
- Cedar Tree remains green all through the year
- It does not wither and wherever it is planted it will always stand out.
- Green leaves always remain on top of the branches but dry ones fall off.
What does it mean to flourish?
- To grow
- To blossom
- To do well
- To be successful in your life endeavour.
Part of the blessing package that God gave to man at creation is to flourish and thrive ~ Genesis 26: 1, 12 NKJV "Irrespective of the inflation in the jungle a lion can never eat grass." 1 Kings 17: 7 NKJV
Secrets to flourishing and thriving in life
- The right mindset. g Isaac flourished because he had a different mindset, he was sowing during the famine. Your mentality indeed determines your reality in life.
- The right company. This is the equivalent of the right soil. What the right soil does to a seed is what a right company does to a destiny. As fish thrive, survive and flourish so do destinies flourish with the right people ~ Acts 4: 23 KJV; Proverbs 13: 20 NKJV. 'Better to walk alone than to walk with foolish people' ~ Genesis 32: 28 NKJV. 'The right company is the guarantee for the right destiny while the right association is the guarantee for the right destiny' ~ 2 Samuel 13: 1 - 3 NKJV.
- Righteous living ~ Psalm 92: 12 NIV; Psalm 5: 12 KJV. Palm trees and cedars are trees of longevity; they are high value and stand out among other trees. Righteousness has the capacity to make you stand out among your companions/competitors/colleagues ~ Hebrews 1: 9 KJV. Righteousness has the capacity to make you a standout personality at your workplace.
- Obedience ~ Proverbs 13: 18 KJV. Refusal to obey divine instruction is opening up for frustration ~ Luke 5: 5; Isaiah 1: 19; Job 36: 11; Deuteronomy 28: 1 - 2; Isaiah 1: 20 KJV.
- Vision: Vision is key to a flourishing and successful life ~ Genesis 13: 13 - 15 NKJV. Vision is mental; i.e the dreams for tomorrow.
What does vision do?
- The vision you see is the raw material that Holy Ghost uses for the production of your desired results ~ Jeremiah 1: 11 NKJV.
- Where you see yourself today is where you will find yourself tomorrow ~ Genesis 13: 15 KJV.
- Anything that must not be in your future, do not allow it to be in your picture ~ Proverbs 23: 7; Ecclesiastes 3: 11 KJV
- d) You may not be there yet but keep seeing yourself there and you must get there ~ Habakkuk 2: 1- 3 KJV.
- What has never crossed your mind can never enter your hands ~ Genesis 13: 15 KJV.
- Constant positive confession ~ Proverbs 18: 21 KJV. E.g Peter used his mouth to speak death over Ananias and Sapphira and used the same tongue to speak life to Dorcas ~ Numbers 14: 28; 2 Samuel 1: 16; Proverbs 6: 2 KJV.
- Better not to say anything if you have nothing to say. Use your utterances as a fertilizer for your destiny.
Points to note:
- What you don't want to see, don't say it with your mouth. Only say what you want to see.
- Don’t say what you are experiencing now; say what you what to experience ~ Joel 3: 10; Genesis 1:3 KJV