According to 2 Timothy 3: 16-17, Isaiah 48: 17, the word is loaded with benefits and blessings. It is not possible for you know what the Bible says about you and you end up being an ordinary person ~ Hebrews 6: 18 KJV. The scripture is not the same as Literature, it is a spiritual treasure.  It is not to give information, it is for impartation. Read 1 Samuel 3:21 KJV.

Reading: John 1: 1 – 5 KJV

What blessing does the Word of God carry?

  1. The Word of God is the sustainer of hope. You cannot be wordful and be hopeless. Read Psalm 119: 49; Psalm 119:114, Psalm 119:81, Psalm 130:5.

      How does the Word of God sustain hope?

  • It provides a solid base for your expectation ` Proverbs 23: 18 KJV.
  • The Word of God destroys the climate of hopelessness and despair ~ Psalm 42: 5; Psalm 43: 5KJV.
  • The Word of God gives you the power to keep keeping on ~ Job 14: 14 KJV
  • The Word of God destroys the tendency for you to surrender to defeat.
  1. The Word of God is the building block of faith ~ Romans 10:17. Faith grows rapidly when the spirit man is nourished regularly. Read Acts 6:7 KJV; Hebrews 13: 7 NLT, Habakkuk 2: 4 KJV.

     How does the word of God build your faith?

  • It instills boldness and confidence to confront  and collapse the  challenges of life
  • It arrests the spells of fear and cowardice which are open doors for calamity ~ 2 Timothy 1: 7; Job 3: 25 KJV
  • The word of God destroys the plague of worry and anxiety ~ Philippians 4: 6 NLT; 1 Peter 5: 7 NKJV.
  1. The Word of God is the transformer of both life and destiny ~ Romans 12: 1 - 2 KJV/ NKJV. The church is the catalyst for transformation in society ~ Acts 17: 6 KJV.

      How does the Word transform life and destiny?

  • The Word of God never leaves people or places the way it met them ~ Luke 5: 4-5 KJV
  • The word of God changes configuration and places.
  • The word of God upgrades life quality ~ Galatians 2: 2; 1 Timothy 1: 15 - 16 NKJV/ NLT
  1. The Word of God is a cleanser and purifier of character and life ~ John 15: 3; Psalm 119: 9; Psalm 119: 11; 1 Corinthians 10: 12 NKJV.

       How does the Word of God purify and cleanse?

  • The Word of God erases and blots out stains and spots of sin and guilt.
  • The Word reveals to you the way out of iniquity and transgression.
  • The Word of God empowers the spirit and the will of man for victory.
  1. The Word of God is the tonic for joy ~ Jeremiah 15: 16 NKJV; 1 Thessalonians 1: 6 ; Proverbs 29: 18 NKJV.  

     How does the Word of God bring joy?

  • The Word of God is a trigger for excitement and exuberance.
  • The Word of God is therapy for depression and discouragement ~ Psalm 119: 162 NKJV
  • The Word of God is cure for downcastedness and heaviness ~ Isaiah 61: 3 NKJV.

What are the keys to access the Word?

  • Have value for the Word. Your sense of value determines the flow of virtue ~ Matthew 9:21. God will never force on you what does not interest you.
  • Confess the Word irrespective of your situation. The words we speak are a medium of life ~ John 6: 63 KJV. Numbers 13: 33; Psalm 103:20; Daniel 10: 12; Mark 11: 23 KJV. You can use your mouth to alter the trajectory of your life.