A covenant is an agreement that bides two parties. God has made mankind to be fruitful like tree m panted by the riverside. And when we are planted by the river is that drought isn’t a concern.

It means that God has engineered supernatural productivity in you – God has fashioned you to be fruitful irrespective of the economic or geographic location.

Readings: Genesis 17:6 and Psalm 1:3.

Fruitfulness is a divine mandate – not a promise. God says ‘Be fruitful.  It’s a command and this means that it is a divine mandate. He also gave the same commandment to the animals to be fruitful.

Demystifying fruitfulness

  1. God only makes demands of fruitfulness where he has made deposits and treasures. Revelation provokes revolution.
  2. God can both create and multiply fresh where the seed has been attacked or disappeared because of age – Joshua 24:3. Abraham and Sarah are the scriptural example.
  3. God is committed to be joy of the family – Psalm 113:9. God makes a barren woman to be joyful mother of Children. God is a kind and generous God. If God has it and I need, I already have it. God is the owner and the giver of children.
  4. The birth of Jesus Christ is the ultimate attack on barrenness - Luke 1:34-35. God healed all infirmity throughout the New Testament – The issue of bareness was conquered by birth of Jesus Christ.

Action steps to take to establish the covenant of fruitfulness

  1. Picture/visualise the desired results of fruitfulness: Your picture creates your future: Gen 13:15-17. Its important to circulate the photo around your house because:
  • Your vision creates your reality.
  • What you see for a while will continue to work on your mind.
  • In life, you produce according to what you see.
  1. Receive a revelation light from the Word of God - This can be achieved through listening to sermons or teachings. Keep digesting this inspiration. Galatians 2:2. Note: Every child that delayed to come throughout the scriptures was a special children eg Samson, Isaac, Samuel, John the Baptist. The reason you are delaying because you are carrying a ‘Special Child’
  2. Engage the weapon of intersession: Intercede for others - begin to carry other people burden, go beyond self.
  3. Be committed to the care of the needy and orphans: Abram was rising for other people’s children.
  4. Covenant your seed to God because God honors faith.
  5. Engaged in the weapon of kingdom service- you can only be rewarded for the service you render.

Prayer points -Read Gen 1: 26-28

  • We have come again because you’re the one with solutions, the God of all flesh, nothing is hard for you, you’re God who can do mega and super do.
  • According to Luke 1:34 – I don’t know how this miracle will happen, But I know that with God nothing is impossible, It will happen
  • Proverb 23:18
  • My father let every verdict l against my fruitfulness be terminated
  • Oh God, cancel and reverse every verdict against my promotion, my life and destiny
  • My father, My God, behold my expectations (career promotion, healing, deliverance, financial breakthrough) and don’t let any of them be denied  in Jesus’ name
  • (Your name) I have the mandate to be fruitful, BE FRUITFUL!
  • My father, by your divine mandate, my life, destiny, career, must be fruitful from every side