To understand multiplication, you must understand fruitfulness in Gen 1:11. Fruitfulness means to produce after your kind. The law of reproduction implies that God created the earth and put man as a representative. Man was created after the image of God so he is a "god-man".

Multiplication means to scale up to increase according to Acts 2:41. God created us to multiply and relish the earth. God created Eden as a seed in the kingdom of heaven. He took away the kingdom of heaven because of error to heaven. The original mandate of man was to lift the kingdom of God and cover the earth with the glory of God.

A case for the church, it was not created to be in Kampala alone, it must multiply and spread over the earth. We must multiply to populate the earth. We need to be filled with Holy Ghost to the ends of the earth.

Why do we need to multiply? We need to populate the earth and replenish the earth according to Acts 1:8. It has always been God's vision that His earth be covered with His glory.

Therefore, we are here for a purpose. Multiplication is a primary assignment given to man by God but you must work hard and spread all over the earth.

Each person must carry their own portion. There is something special about you. You are uniquely unique. There is something God wants you to do for him.. You have a special DNA that you can't share with anyone, that makes you to carry a special glory of God. He wants you to carry the Glory. Exodus 23:30

The secret means that you die in Christ. Galatians 5:25. When we talk about increase is not about material wealth, its character development, and the fruits of the spirit to manage the resources. There are some people who God can't bless because they will be destroyed

What is the secret of multiplication?

  • Be increased ~John 12:24, Exodus 23:27-30, Matthew 6:31-32. Be increased in the fruits of the spirit, in character. God cannot give you something you are not prepared for. God is looking for people with whom He can work. God is looking for laborers; people He can partner with.

Therefore, work the hardest on yourself ~Galatians 5:22. The reason we are in church is for character transformation. Are you a person of integrity?

God does not want to multiply what you have until you change. If you become what you want without character transformation, It will destroy you

A person that transform through prayer is transformed than a persons who has been changed by prayer. Prayer deals with their character and mind, and therefore transformed wholly.

How do you develop the fruit of the spirit?

  1. Go on a journey of self-discovery.
  2. Prayer and fasting.

How to increase

  • Die daily: Paul the Apostle, 1 Cor 15:31. God doesn't want your view point. Phil 3:6-7. I know less of myself... I want to be usable in the kingdom of God. The overall purpose is to populate the earth. When you die every day, you live prepared.
  • Prayer and fasting helps us to live prepared to do God's work whenever we are called up. We not baby Christians, we need to be refilled and recharged.
  • Preach the gospel with words and conduct. Your life is a gospel, use your Bible. You need to have quiet time with God every day. That's when you are connected to Christ.
  • Quiet time: is when you are interacting with God every day. When you have a communion with God, it may not be actually be tangible, but you know you received from God. John 15:5

Do you know how to hear God's voice? If you talk to God every day, He himself will create a channel through which you will hear from Him, therefore give God quality time.