From the Luke 8:4--56, Jarius was the ruler of the synagogues, well placed in the society at the time, but he was troubled - he had sickness in his house. His daughter was sick. 

The only person she thought about was Jesus at that point in time. Therefore, Jesus will always respond to our needs, according to our faith.

Jesus, who is all knowing – he would have sent a word to the daughter and she becomes well but there was a reason Jesus had to go home.

Why did he want to go Home.

Jesus is interested to go home, yet he could have sent a word, since he had the power to do so, but he knew something else will happen on the way.

On his way to Jarius’ house, Jesus encountered another special word that had an issue – The Woman with the Issue of the Blood who was bleeding for 12 years.

She was desperate for healing and restoration. She was an outcast according to the laws of the time. She was not allowed to mingle with anyone as she was declared unclean by the law of the time.

What did FAITH do?

Faith connected the woman to Jesus according to Hebrews 11:6 – Without faith, It is impossible to please God. Sometimes, we work hard for answers with no results just like that woman. 

To have FAITH is to risk. The woman took a risk. Faith will make you take risks. It was a risk because she was not allowed not touch the anything because she was declared unclean.

Same applies to Jarius, he was a noble member of the society, who was not expected to run to Jesus for the answer since there were other teachers of the LAW. 

Faith made her to touch the garment of the Jesus and instantly got healed. Luke 8:44. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.

As Christians, we need to have faith that helps us to connect when you are a better conduction of power to the Holy Spirit. We need to connect to Jesus for all things. 

May God give us the faith to know that the burden we carry can only be contained by the JESUS.

The lady confessed to Jesus – I have been sick. There are people who will not be honest until they have Jesus.

We need to make our faith right and make your confessions right. 

The children of Israel were free but still held up to Egypt, some didn’t make it to promised land because of grumbling, because of the goods they enjoyed in the house of bondage, they still craved for because they didn’t have the faith.