Why did God create the earth?

The earth is the only habitable planet. God created the earth as an extension of His Kingdom.  Heaven is the way they function is led by God, and then the man is in charge of the earth. When God told Adam to be fruitful He was telling him to produce after his kind and fill the earth.

Jesus chased the crowd and He only worked with the disciples who were only 12, later 11. As soon as his ministry was completed, the disciples multiplied for Christianity to continue up to this day. Therefore, to be fruitful is to be produce after his Kind. Therefore to multiply, we must be intimate with Jesus.


  • Genesis 1:26-28
  • Romans 1:1-7, 11:3
  • Genesis 1:26-28
  • Genesis 1:21
  • Genesis 1:11
  • Hebrews 11:3

What is the secret to fruitfulness?

Be married to Jesus ~~Romans 7:1-3. Christians must be married to Christ.  No one can be fruitful without intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. The key is intimacy with Jesus Christ. You have to be dead to the law, strategies, ideas but married to Jesus ~John 15:1-4. People believe in what God said but not what proceeds. Abide in Jesus and He will transform you.  To be fruitful means to produce after your kind.” The assignment that God gave to mankind was to cover the whole earth with his kind. Fruitfulness takes time. If producing after your kind ruins the world then God will resist you. Fruitfulness means to take over your kind.

How do you become intimate with Jesus? ~Mark 1:35

  • Personal relationship with Jesus: God doesn't want you to embarrass him. God used man like Billy Graham, because he walked blamelessly before him. God will resist those with error. He will not use those without a relationship with him, because they will fall with Christianity and this brings shame to his name. Therefore, have a relationship with Jesus.
  • Personal time: If you don't have personal time with God, it will show. There are graces for everyday and if you don't get them you will be repeating your personal errors. Your personal time with God is superior to any other time of prayer. You must have a personal time with God - the over time you become a different person. If you are married, you must have a persona, family and corporate time of prayer.  
  • Prayer: is two- way traffic. It is communication between divinity and humanity. The only way to be intimate with Jesus is to abide with Him. When you pray, let God respond as well. When you pray and leave without just hearing from God is not prayer. One word from God is superior to 7 hours of prayer.
  • Solitude: This is time spent alone with God.  Spending time with God will give you answers you have been waiting for a long time.
  • Fasting: Matthew 17:21: Fasting is a spiritual assignment, and therefore a life principle.
  • Meditation: - It is a spiritual discipline ~Joshua 1:8. When you meditate it changes your life forever. Change what you are thinking by meditating on a daily basis. God has given you spiritual blessings so think upon them. Don’t mediate on the negativities all the time. Turn the daily negativities to positivity’s.
  • Worship: The bible commands us in Romans 12:1. We must present your body as a living sacrifice. It's an act of faith. It leads to Intimacy with Jesus.
  • Consecration: – This means to be set apart. Some Christians allow the devil to use them.  You must be holy and only available to be used by God. Because He who made you is holy according to 1 Peter 1:16. God has a habit of using those who are consecrated or set apart for his will. 2 Timothy 2:21
  • Practicing God’s presence: God is a silent listener to every conversation. Walk and be blameless. God is a silent listener to every conversation. God weighs human language. Genesis 17:1. The way you're living is laying foundations for your generation to come. To be fruitful is to produce after your kind.