• A stranger is a person or a thing that is unknown or unfamiliar to you.
• No wise person can allow strangers into their privacy and it is in both spiritual and physical.
• Strangers are demonic beings and they come in our space/ bodies to take charge.
• Spiritual things cannot be diagnosed medically.
Reading: Psalm 18: 44 – 45 KJV
What are the assignments of these strangers?
• They are polluters – disorganize body systems.
• They build strongholds in people's minds, head, blood and other body parts.
• They turn a fully-fledged human body into a garbage bin ~ Matthew 15: 14 KJV.
• Strangers can be serious sicknesses and infirmities, failure of all sorts, affliction of all sorts, and evil manifestation of dark powers in all their ramifications ~ Psalm 18: 44 - 45 KJV.
How to evacuate and evict strangers our of our lives?
• Avoid a lifestyle of sin like a plague. What you cannot do openly before men is odious with God. Sin is a fertilizer for strangers to remain where they are.
• Be sober and vigilant ~ 1 Peter 5: 8; Matthew 13: 25 KJV. It is the devil who plant evil in our lives and is done while victims are unaware or unwatchful or complacent or neglectful and spiritually asleep. You can sleep physically but do not sleep spiritually ~ 1 John 4: 4 KJV.
• Be spiritually alert and sensitive.
• Violent faith. Refuse a no for an answer. Do not let anything abnormal to normalize.
• You must be militant in prayer.