1. To thrive and flourish, you have to be in the right environment. Paul had an encounter of the God-kind which changed his life forever ~ Acts 9:1 - 17. You need to live in a supernatural environment.
  1. You must believe in God. If you want to thrive you must believe in God because heaven and earth shall pass away but the Word of God shall live forever. Have faith in God ~Mark 11:22-24. You must have the God-kind of faith. When you believe in God, it will show in your character.
  2. You must believe in yourself ~Galatians 1:16. God does not use people that do not believe in themselves.
  3. You have to discover your proper gift of God to flourish and thrive in this life ~1 Corinthians 7:7
  4. Work hard ~1 Corinthians 15:10. Do not use the grace of God as an excuse for mediocrity. Develop your strength. God does not measure adversity - He measures strength ~Proverbs 24:10. If you are not diligent you will be associated with mediocrity.
  5. You must be willing to die to self ~Galatians 2:20, John 12:24. No one is full of themselves and they flourish. Are you the kind that says - "This is how I am?”- That is a statement of finality. You have to die to self, to your ego - and accept to be transformed. Except you die to self, you are walking alone but if you die to self, you bear much fruit.

What does it mean to die? - Deny yourself and take up the cross every day and follow Jesus. Your cross is anything God asks you to do for the Kingdom. Denial - fasting and prayer, deny yourself of your usual daily practices. No one is fruitful in God's kingdom without this principle.

  1. You have to be planted somewhere ~Acts 22:21. Everybody has a place where they are planted. Where has God called you? ~Acts 1:8