In Hebrew to dominate is; ‘Radar’ which means to rule, dominate and subjugate. Man was created in the very image of God to have dominion. Read ~ 1 Corinthians 5:17; Psalm 84: 1 – 9 KJV.


  • Psalm 8: 1 – 9 KJV
  • Genesis 1: 26 – 29 AMP

What is the purpose of dominion?

  • To rule and reign: Genesis 1: 26 GNT. We rule and reign over circumstances of life through dominion. In Mark 4: 39 GNT, Jesus gave a model which we are expected to follow. Life does not give us what we desire, it give us life the way we demand it.   Life is not determined by external forces but by what we allow ~ Matthew 16: 19 NLT.
  • To dismantle yokes and bondages ~ Isaiah 61: 1 KJV.
  • To destroy the adversaries agenda. By dominion we break the back of the devil and bring all his activities under our feet. Read Luke 10: 19; 1 John 3: 8 KJV. 'If you are not in power you are not in charge'.
  • To take our place in life and destiny. Through dominion, we take our place in life and destiny. For you to take your place in life and destiny, dominion is very crucial ~ Deuteronomy 2: 24 KJV. 'There is no battle free zone existing anywhere' ~ Revelation 12: 12 KJV.

What are the secrets of dominion?

The fighting spirit. This has been identified as a vital secret of dominion. Dominion in life is established through fight.

Scriptural examples:

  • Abraham: Genesis 14:14-18 KJV. The King came and bowed before Abraham because he exercised dominion.
  • David: 1 Chronicles 18:3 NLT. You cannot enlarge your horizon except you exercise a fighting spirit.

Forceful faith filled declaration: You have declaration in alignment with what is written in scripture. Your declaration is a proof of your conviction. If you cannot declare it means you have never believed it ~ 2 Corinthians 4:14 NKJV.

  • What you say determines what you see because confession determines possession.
  • Your destiny is at the mercy of your declaration. Until your mouth is open your future is closed ~ 1 Samuel 17: 37; Job 6: 20; Job 14: 14; Job 38: 12 KJV.
  • When you refuse to speak into your day, it will be ruined and ruled by the wicked.
  • Word change seasons and situations ~ Job 22: 28 AMP; Numbers 13: 27 - 33; Numbers 14: 1 - 4 MSG; Numbers 14: 28 KJV.

Renewal of your mind: Romans 12: 1 - 2 KJV. A battle you have not won in your mind cannot be won physically: Proverbs 23: 7 KJV.

Right association. A lion has no business with chicken. An eagle has no business with tortoise. That is the rightful mind that a Christian must have. You must choose your company and choose it right. A right friend can make you; a right friend should be a propeller to your destiny. You are better off alone than having a wrong friend.