- History is lined up with very many people whose correct identities are yet to manifest.
- History is full of people who came to the world but are yet to show up.
- Many people showed up and disappeared without anyone knowing there arrival.
- Many people carried 100% package when they came to earth but were able to manifest only 2%. g Moses would have only testified that the princess was his foster parent or Paul the Apostle would have lived and died if God by His mercy had not accosted him on his way to Damascus.
- As put by Myles Munroe, the wealthiest place on earth is the cemetery’ in cemetery lay great men and women who die without fulfilling their purposes. It is therefore a disaster for a tree to die as a seed.
Reading: 1 Kings 19: 19 – 21 KJV
The powerful man of God was wasting away in obscurity yet he was meant to be a national prophet.
First Service with Pastor Benjamin Nebechukwu
What is obscurity?
- Obscurity means loaded but unknown. Talented but unknown.
- Obscurity means living without relevance.
- Obscurity means inconsequential existence.
- Obscurity means available but unavailable. or present but absent.
- Obscurity means born great but tied down.
- Obscurity means uncertainty of expression.
- Obscurity means when your helpers become your haters.
- Obscurity means to be kept in the backyard or dustbin of life.
- Obscurity means to be in a situation where your juniors are made to rule over you.
- Obscurity means to be born a celebrity but you live as a second class citizen.
- Obscurity means to be relegated from the head to the tail.
- Obscurity means when your helpers have started to suffer for trying to suffer for even daring to help you. * For the enemy to localize your destiny there is a global thing that you are carrying. Or sometimes you see glorious things in your dream but there is no manifestation.
What are the keys to destiny manifestation?
Yielding our lives to God: Is key experiencing fruitfulness with God ~ Genesis 39: 2 NLT. It means total surrender to God ~ Isaiah 45: 9 KJV.
Self-discovery: Discovering the purpose for your making. Purpose is not the decision of the product; it is a decision of the manufacturer (God) ~ Luke 4: 17 - 21 NLT; Hebrews 10: 7 NKJV.
* What you want to do is called ambition; BUT what is written about you at creation is called purpose ~ Matthew 26: 24 NKJV.
* The greatest success on earth is when purpose takes the place of ambition in life. Our lives can either make God glad or make Him to grieve.
* To experience your manifestation make God's purpose your ambition ~ Matthew 25: 1 21 NKJV.
The power of company: Your company determines your mindset and your mindset determines your destiny. Your company can either assist or resist your destiny ~ 1 Samuel 13: 1 - 3; 1 Kings 12: 6; Daniel 2: 17; Acts 4: 23 NKJV.
About our company:-
- Your company determines your mindset and your mindset determines your destiny. ~Proverbs 13: 20 KJV
- Your company affects your character and your character determines your destiny ~ 1 Corinthians 15: 33 KJV.
- Your company supplies counsel; it determines the quality of counsel available to you.
- Company determines motivation ~ Daniel 2: 17 - 18 NLT. Choose your company carefully if you want to fulfill destiny.
Second Service with Pastor Benjamin Nebechukwu
Reading: Romans 8: 16 – 22 KJV
- There are so many Christians who are supposed to be eagles but are living like chicken ~ Romans 8: 19 CEV.
Judges 6: 6 - 16 (Verse 11) GNT.
- Sometimes we live counterfeit lives e.g Gideon.
- Some people are meant to be high flyers are converted into crawlers in destiny ~ Ecclesiastes 10: 5 - 7 NLT; 1 Samuel 30: 1 - NKJV.
Why is it necessary for us to manifest?
- There are plenty of things that will not be put in proper shape until we manifest; and, until we manifest the lives of those things are in jeopardy.
- Some people that will never rise until you rise; some will never shine until you shine or some will never be lifted until you are lifted. g Joseph's family (during the famine) ~ Genesis 50: 20 KJV.
What are the keys to destiny manifestation?
- Passion for God ~ Psalm 63: 1 - 2 KJV. What you are hungry for is what God will fill you with. If you are hungry for manifestation, God will fill you with it ~ Psalm 42: 1 KJV.
Example: Ruth 1: 16 - 17 NKJV
Passion for God can alter the equation of your life.
What do it take to have passion for God?
- Desire to be having constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit. God is looking for companions and companionship is the reason for Christianity ~ Genesis 3: 9 - 10 KJV.
- You must be addicted to the Bible or be a good student of the Bible
- Be an incurable worshipper.
- Sensitivity to divine destiny connection. Whatever God does is for a reason. God does not do anything for nothing-sake he does everything for a purpose ~ John 11: 4; Romans 8: 28 KJV.
Anybody that crosses your path, be sensitive to know that God is saying something.
- Aggressive diligence and hardwork. There is no food for a lazy man ~ 1 Thessalonians 3: 10; Proverbs 22: 13 KJV.