Glory encompasses many things. Glory is rooted in Hebrew word ‘Kabod’ which means; magnificent, splendor, power, shining, and power. Therefore, Glory is a heavenly disposition. 

Scriptures that affirm the glory of God: 1 Samuel 4: 17 – 22, 1 Corinthians 15: 39 – 41.

What does glory represent?

  1. Glory is the star of your destiny.
  2. Glory represents your favour magnet.
  3. Glory is the totality of your unique capacity or personality.
  4. It is your quota of divine excellency.

Why you need the glory of GOD

  • Glory can be stolen even though you came to earth with it. It can be perverted, can be transferred, can be exchanged, can be 'basturdised', can be lost and can fade away ~ 1 Peter 1: 24 KJV
  • If there is any fight worth fighting for, is the battle to retain your glory ~ 1 Samuel 4: 17 - 22.
  • Life is not worth living when glory has departed ~ Isaiah 60: 1KJV. You cannot shine without glory ~ Psalm 84: 11 KJV.
  • Everybody may tell when the glory comes because it comes like a mighty rushing wind BUT they cannot tell when the glory departs.
  • The departure of glory is the finisher of destiny.
  • Inasmuch as glory has many things to do for us, it can be killed, turned to shame and can sink. Judges 16: 20.
  • When glory comes people may give you a standing ovation but when glory is departing it is not announced. Glory departure is quiet.
  • We need to fight to retain our glory. Lost glory is a lost destiny ~ 1 Samuel 4: 17 - 22.
  • When someone's glory is tampered with one becomes a wanderer. When the anointing came on Samson it was a public uproar but when it was leaving there was no sign ~ Acts 2: 2; Mark 5: 21 - 34 KJV.
  • Blood represents life and life is about glory ~ Leviticus 17: 11.
  • When God is involved nothing lost is lost forever.

The First service 

What is it that chases away people's glory?

Scriptural Reference: Ezekiel 33: 30 -   NLT

  • Chronic biblical illiteracy or chronic lack of spiritual knowledge ~ Matthew 22: 29 KJV/ NLT.  An average Christian is un-interested in what the Bible is saying. People are willing to invest in vanity and are less interested in scriptures or the Word of God.
  • Cleverly concealed sins.  So many Christians are involved in quiet sin. E.g telling lies, making themselves mobile rumour mills, character assassination among others and thus sell their glory unconsciously.  Hosea 4: 7 NKJV
  • Weak prayer altars.  This too can mortgage somebody's glory.  Whatever you receive at the place of prayer can only be sustained at the place of prayer ~ 1 Kings 18: 30. Your prayer altar is what sustains your glory.
  • Excessive love for money.  Many people have traded their glory for money ~ Matthew 4: 5.  Indeed the world is full of glory but the glory of the world does not just come on a silver platter ~ 1Timothy 6: 9 - 10 NLT; Hebrews 13: 5 NLT.
  • Obituary of quiet time. Quiet time is when you are communing with God ~ Psalm 46: 10 KJV. In quiet time God gives you direction and revelation on our next steps. there is a lot to benefit when we meditate on God; with no obstruction.
  • Lack of reading culture ~ Daniel 9: 2; Isaiah 5: 13; Hosea 4: 6 KJV.
  • Inordinate love for titles in church.
  • Entertainment lovers ~ Matthew 21: 13 KJV
  • By being sermon proof. 

Who are sermon-proof Christians?

  1. People who have stayed long in church and no change in life
  2. Come to church but are deaf to the word
  3. People whose opinion is different from Bible
  4. Select what they want to hear and what they do not want
  5. Invite others to hear but don't hear
  6. Migrate from church to church
  7. People who come to church but do not write anything down.
  8. Come to church to check on the beautiful ladies.

How do you know you love money?

  1. If you develop emergency heart palpitation when you see money ~ 1 Timothy 3: 2 - 3
  2. Lack of interest in soul-winning. Present day believers are not interested in sharing the gospel ~ Daniel 12: 3

What will happen when your glory is released and restored?

  • The release of honour~ 1 Chronicles 16: 25 - 27 NKJV/ NKJV. Verse 27 (KJV) shows that glory and honour are co-travellers.
  • Shame is arrested ~ Isaiah 54: 4 NLT; Isaiah 61: 7 GNT.
  • There will be release of your allocated glory ~ Isaiah 35: 2 NKJV. There is a spot allocated for each one to shine. 
  • There is restoration of lost years ~ Joel 2: 25 KJV. Ordinary locusts eat vegetables but spiritual locusts eat years ~ Ephesians 5: 16.