• Appreciation is an application for acceleration.
• Thanksgiving can never be tied in a spot longer than necessary.
• Thanksgiving is a lift, an elevator, a float that helps you move higher in life.
• Lamentations 3:22, Jeremiah 13:15-17, Psalm 28:5
Reading: - Psalm 92:1-5
How does Thanksgiving lead to Acceleration?
• Thanksgiving pleases God and guarantees elevation in life. Your Thanksgiving gives God pleasure and God makes your life pressure free. Psalm 69:30-32
• Thanksgiving is a tool of deliverance against the day of trouble. Your Thanksgiving to God qualifies you for divine intervention and visitation. Psalm 50:14-15
• Thanksgiving is the highway to multiplication and glorification. Jeremiah 30:19. Thanksgiving is the prescription for smallness and littleness in life.
• Thanksgiving opens the door of abundant grace for you. 2 Corinthians 4:15 NKJV, 1 Corinthians 15:10. When we give God glory, the reward is grace and grace is the key for ease. Without the grace of God you can do nothing. Psalm 127:1
• Thanksgiving is the cure for dryness and key to flourishing in life. Thanksgiving is the fertiliser of destiny. John 6:11-13. Thanksgiving connects us to the goodness and mercy of God. Psalm 23:6, 1 Chronicles 16:34. The goodness of God is the cure for the badness of the enemy. The mercy of God is the only cure for the anger of the enemy.
• Thanksgiving establishes us in the will and plan of God for our lives. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
• Thanksgiving is a major facilitator for effective and productive prayer life. You have not prayed well until you have thanked well. Phil 4:6, 1 Timothy 4:3-4. Thanksgiving is what draws the attention of God to your prayer. Those who thank less will receive less from God.
Wise Counsel
- Trust God to bring to remembrance the things He has done in your life so you will not forget. Read Psalm 103:1-5. Don’t be a forgetful beneficiary of God's mercy.
- As much as possible endeavour to back up your Thanksgiving with seeds of appreciation where necessary. 1 Chronicles 15:26, Matthew 8:2-
Those who appreciate God can never be tied down in destiny. Gratitude is a queen of virtue ~Psalm 116:12, Lamentations 3:22. The opposite of appreciation is un-thankfulness. Unthankfulness or ingratitude is one of the signs of the end times ~ 2 Timothy 3:1-2. The company of the unthankful or ingrates is the company of the inglorious. Ingratitude is an insult to our savior.
Reading: - Malachi 2:1-4
What does un-thankfulness represent?
o It is giving credit due to God to other people.
o It is taking God's blessings for granted.
o It is a precursor/forerunner for pride.
o It is repayment of good with evil.
Categories of unthankful people
Parasitic permanent demanders.
Strategic forgetters.
Sugar ingrates.
Envious ones.
Grumbling group.
Dangers of un-thankfulness
Has the capacity to shut the door against your destiny helpers ~ 1 Chronicles 12:22
Will short-circuit your progress.
Is a magnet of evil.
Is a mobilizer of evil.
Has the capacity to shut the door of mercy.
Can hand you over to the enemy ~Deuteronomy 28:46-48 NLT
What could be the reason for unthankfulness?
a. It is a plague of human self-sufficiency and independence of God.
b. It is bankruptcy of love for God ~Matthew 24:12. Where love is wanting, appreciation will be lacking.
c. It is an agenda of the enemy to rob people of the values and virtues of thanksgiving ~John 10:10
d. Lack of faith ~Romans 4:17-19, Psalm 103:1-5. It takes faith to appreciate God.
Wise counsel
• Don't forget every good thing God has done for you. Refuse to be a strategic forgetter.
• When offering your thanksgiving to God, as much as possible, where necessary, come with a seed of appreciation ~1 Chronicles 15:26, Matthew 8:1-4 NLT.