Settlement means to be compensated for what you are due for. All the rights and privileges are to be paid. Psalms 89:21

As a nation and people, we need settlement in different ways, Uganda is so blessed by God, whatever is needed to help this nation. It's tremendously endowed by natural resources.

Settlement in people's lives of can health, business settlement, and as God is settling Uganda; you will not be left behind.

Both Uganda and Ugandans shall be settled by God. People and nations that were settled by God

The nation of Israel suffered slavery for 430 years until God stepped and said enough must be enough and the nation was settled. 

The Nations and Individuals settled by God in scriptures

Joshua 42:13 > the Israelites: The children of Israel were given cities and lands for free. They were given free things they didn't toil for.

In 2 Samuel 9: David was firmly established as a king over Israel, he began to look for Jonathan remembering the covenant and friendship he had with Jonathan. 

2 Samuel 9:8 - The king commanded the servants to go and fetch the sons of Jonathan and Mephibosheth started enjoying because of the deeds of his father.

In Esther 6:1, Modeccai was settled by God. The bible accounts that ‘what can you find to a man whom the lord has decided to honour’

The man at the pool of Bethsaida: He was picked by the Lord. May God divinely settled, let thr termites of infirmity be 

The Shunammite woman: 2 King 8:1>16 ‘Now Elisha had said to the woman whose son he had restored to life, “Go away with your family and stay for a while wherever you can, because the LORD has decreed a famine in the land that will last seven years.” The woman proceeded to do as the man of God said.

Luke 8:43-48: The woman with the issues of blood:  but the intervention of God, she was settled.

The woman had an issue of blood for twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any. She came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched. Jesus delivered her from depending on other people for survival because of the sickness.

 Prayers for Uganda

  • The blood of justification over the land, the economy, the leadership of Uganda
  • Lift up you the gates oh Yu gates of Uganda; let the blood of Jesus penetrate
  • Lift up oh you the gates of Western, central, Eastern and Northern Uganda, let the blood of Jesus penetrate to bring freedom
  • Holy Ghost fire, enter into the foundation of Uganda and here there be cleansing by fire
  • Oh you the land of Uganda, hear the word of the Lord and vomit wickedness from our land
  • concerning the bloodshed, ritual killing the bloods sacrifice, remember the mercy of God over the Land

Personal prayer points

  • Oh God arise and settle me!
  • Everything in my life that needs settlement, settle me now
  • Your name)  It’s your time and time, receive divine settlement in (your health, career, marital destiny)
  • In the name of Jesus, I agree with you receive your instant settlement in your health, finance, marriage, your elevation
  • Every voice saying no to my settlement, you are liar, be silenced by fire.
  • Anything in my foundation rejecting my settlement, you are a liar, park and go..
  • You the evidence of my settlement, my hands are open, enter in the name of Jesus
  • I invoke Psalms 145:16 over the desires of your people, let the hand of God open towards them