- God does not bring people into his presence to waste their time.
- When God’s gives an invitation there are things to be obtained.
- The power of God is a preserver and a keeper ~ 1 Peter 1: 5; Hebrews 1: 3 KJV
- God is a keeper ~ Psalm 91: 2 KJV
- The incubator for God’s power is prayer; or God’s power is the nursery for prayer.
Facts about prayer
- The lifestyle of prayer is a guarantee for preservation of lives and destinies.
- Prayer is the fuel for endurance in life.
- Those who pray will live long. Prayer is the key of longevity.
- Those who pray cannot be easy prey for the enemy.
- Prayerful people are not wastable entities.
Scriptural examples of people preserved by prayer
Elijah ~ In 1 Kings 18: 44 - 46; 1 Kings 19: 4. Elijah prayed and locked up heaven
With prayer;
- You can lock and unlock
- You can fast forward and rewind
- Anybody can be incarcerated by prayer
Daniel - Daniel 6: 10. With prayer, Daniel was not threatened and dared the lions in their den. Prayer causes people go through danger as if they never went through it.
Anna the Prophetess ~ Luke 2:34-37 NLT. Fasting and prayer are secrets of longevity.
Abraham ~ Genesis 19: 27; Genesis 24 NKJV. You cannot pray well and die young.
How does prayer preserve people?
- A life of prayer brings the prayerful into God’s presence ~ 1 Kings 17: 1 NKJV. Prayerful people carry unmistakable presence of God wherever they go. The presence of God has a preservative capacity, it can turn danger into a shadow ~ Psalm 23: 4 KJV. Places of high authority are places of high security. Spirituality attracts security but carnality attracts casualty.
- A life of prayer gives people divine direction ~ Jeremiah 33: 3 KJV. The voice of God establishes the prayerful in peace and not in crisis ~ Psalm 85: 8 NKJV. Anything that leaves you in crisis mode is a ‘red flag’ ~ Jeremiah 6: 16 NKJV. Prayerfulness increases spiritual sensitivity. When God leads He leads you away from crisis and danger ~ Psalm 23: 2 NKJV.
- The life of prayer activates the ministry of angels ~ Luke 22: 43: 44; Psalm 34: 7; Daniel 10: 11 – 12; Psalm 91: 12 NKJV.
- A life of prayer is a doorway to supernatural power. Prayerful people are powerful people. It takes power to walk in danger zones without harm ~ Luke 10: 19; Acts 4: 23 - 30 NKJV.
What is the secret to prayer that preserves?
Let prayer become an atmosphere and not an incidence. Let prayer be an attitude and not an action ~ Proverbs 24: 10; Matthew 6: 9; 1 Thessalonians 5: 17 NKJV