Problems are not strangers in this world – The bible is clear that man co-exists with problems. Rev 12:12. The world is synonymous with problems,. There is no free zone for problems. The consolation we have is in Psalm 34:19 ‘’many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all’’.
- Zechariah 4:7 – Nothing will stand on your way
- Mark 11:23
- Matthew 17:20
The mountain represents:
- It represents an established difficulty. It appears immovable but the bible affirms to us that there is nothing that God can’t move.
- Mountains are age-long existences such as spirit husbands, incurable infirmity
- Mountains are immovable destructions/obstacles of destiny. This is where one is arrested at a spot. It’s like a standstill existence. In Deut 1:6 – God instructed the Israel to move away from the mountain. It’s important to note that a human being can be a mountain such as the marriage brokers, the promotions brokers. Goliath was a human mountain against the freedom of the Israel for 40 years until God send Moses and leveled him. And if God is for you, no one can stand against them.
- Mountains are generational situations and conditions: They are likened to what our grandparents saw and the devil is trying to make you see it. Even though generational curses are popular, there are also generational blessings, Therefore purpose to transmit blessings to your generation.
- The grace of God: Zechariah 4:7: Grace is the forerunner for ease. WHERE YOU trust your strength, life is stressed out. Without the grace, there is no mantle. Mantle deals with every battle
- The wisdom of God. Light and the insights and revelations from the scripture: Job 28:12. Wisdom is the word of God. Jesus the Power and the WISDOM OF God. John 1:1. In Luke 5:5. The story of Peter and Fishing – the Word of Wisdom. One revelation from the spirit of God can give you answer to uproot negativities and terminate the long standing frustration. Some frustrations are still standing because we have not received a word of Wisdom to give us direction
- The Presence of God: Psalms 114:1-5. The presence of God is a mountain melt-er. Some mountains have not moving is because we have not generated enough presence to melt the mountain.
- The declaration of FAITH: Psalms 112:2 Mark11:23, Job 6:25. The right word are forceful. The right words are words that come from revelations that have make convictions and that conviction is coming out as declarations. They don’t just come from the mouth. 2 Corinthians 4:13. When you get a scripture, you believe you and you are fully persuaded that it is and you begin to declare it. Ezekiel 37:3
Prayer Points
- Anyone standing up against your progress, they shall be leveled up by fire
- I come with fire to level any Goliath that is standing on my way, be leveled by fire
- Every Goliath that is responsible for my stagnation, Your end has come
- I refuse to see what my great grandfather and my father saw
- Every devil that is trying for you to see what your parents saw,
- Then trans-generational negativity shall be terminated in your life
- My father, circulate and incubate my destiny with your presence
- Every stubborn mountain in my life be uprooted by fire
- Every mountain of delay and disappointment, marital delay, shame and reproach, trial and failure your end has come, be uprooted by fire
- The mountains that my fathers and ancestors saw, I (Your name) will not see you